
    摘要:本工程为南京市财政局综合办公楼,总建筑面积约为 4800m²,总长 52.2m,共5层,高21.6m,共设楼梯2个。针对本工程主要进行了建筑与结构设计。建筑设计面:针对财政局办公楼的使用功能,分别布置了办公室、会议室、资料室、厕所、休息室、配电间、多功能厅 ,并且完成了建筑设计说明、正立面图、侧立面图、剖立面图、建筑平面图、楼梯平面图的绘制。根据建筑物的使用要求,本设计采用框架结构。在结构设计方面,分别进行PKPM 建模、结构选型与布置、三层层楼板设计、次梁设计、一榀框架设计、楼梯以及基础的设计,并且根据PKPM电算以及手算结果完成了楼(屋)盖结构布置图及板配筋图、梁柱结构施工图、基础平面布置图及配筋图和楼梯配筋图。42552


    Design Of Nanjing Finance Bureau Office Building

    Abstract:This project is Nanjing Finance Bureau Office Building . The building with a total construction floor area of 4800 m ², the total length of 52.2m, a total of 5 floors, 21.6m high, a total of two of stairs . Architectural and structural design for this project . Architectural design : the use of the office building function are arranged the office , conference room , reference room , toilets , rest room , distribution room , function room. And finished drawings of  building instructions , front elevation , side elevation , sectional elevations , building plans ,  and stair plans . According to the requirements of the building , the design of structure type should be framework . In the structural design, modeling PKPM respectively , structure selection and layout, three-story floor design , the design of the secondary beam , one specimens of framework design , the design of the staircase as well as basic , and counted according to the PKPM power and hand count the results of completed structure cover reinforcement diagram of the building (house), Beam and column structure construction plans , basic floor plan and reinforcement drawings and stairs reinforcement drawings.

    KeyWords:Office building; Frame; Architectural design; Structural design

    摘要 I

    Abstract I

    目  录 II

    1  引言 1

    2  建筑设计部分 2

    2.1  设计依据 2

    2.2  工程概况 2

    2.3  建筑设计 2

    2.3.1  办公室 2

    2.3.2  会议室 2

    2.3.3  多功能厅 2

    2.3.4  配电间 3

    2.3.5  休息室 3

    2.3.6  资料室 3

    2.3.7  厕所 3

    2.3.8  楼梯 3

    2.4  一些主要的做法 3

    2.4.1  墙身做法 3

    2.4.2  屋面做法(自上而下) 3

    2.4.3  楼面做法(自上而下) 3

    2.5  室外工程 3

    2.5.1  室外台阶 3

    2.5.2  室外坡道 3

    2.5.3  散水做法

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