
    In this design, the fluent is adopted to model the finished model to calculate and draw conclusions.When set up boundary conditions, considering the uncertainty of the air inlet wind speed, in this paper, the office of air inlet(window) wind speed was measured , take the average of the measured values, set its imports of wind speed in our office.

    First, optimal ventilation scheme is wind from the air outlet through Most of the office area and finally to the exhaust port, can make full new air volume to the staff in the office, to the outside and the interior did not produce reflux and vortex, which has high efficiency and energy saving effect. Security of Indoor ventilation will be greatly improved; Finally, for the same model, the form of natural ventilation, in meet the national standard of the new air volume, the selection of the best air inlet position to reach maximum ventilation rate.

    Key words:natural ventilation;indoor environmental quality;indoor ventilation;office;ICEM;


    1  绪论 1

     1.1研究背景 1

     1.2国内外概况 1

     1.3室内空气品质的研究 2

     1.4研究的主要内容 3

    2  办公室室内通风的基础理论与数值模拟方法 4

     2.1办公室室内通风的基础理论 4

     2.2自然通风对室内的影响 4

     2.3 ICEM CFD的基本思想 5

     2.4 ICEM CFD的发展史 5

     2.5 ICEM CFD在国内外的发展 6

     2.6 ICEM CFD的基本控制方程 6

     2.7 Fluent的特点及应用 9

    3  某办公室自然通风数值模拟 11

     3.1研究对象的ICEM CFD建模 11

     3.2划分网格 12

     3.3 研究对象的设定 12

     3.4进口风速的确定 13

     3.5 方案的计算与结论 13

     3.6方案一 14

      3.6.1设计一 14

      3.6.2设计二 15

      3.6.3设计三 17

     3.7方案二 18

      3.7.1设计四 18

      3.7.2设计五 20

      3.7.3设计六 21

     3.8 方案小结 23

    4 结论与展望 26

     4.1 结论 26

     4.2展望 27

    致谢 28


    1  绪论


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