
    摘要: 深圳地区广泛分布着燕山时期侵入的花岗岩,约占全区面积的50%,而花岗岩极易风化剥蚀,从而引发严重的工程地质问题。在地铁盾构施工过程中,盾构多次上下穿越软硬不一的残积土复合地层,导致盾构机掘进速度过慢,刀盘扭矩过大,从而出现非正常损坏甚至停机情况,同时也易发生地面沉降,严重影响施工进度。此外,其区域内的下伏基岩交错断层易引发渗流,因而对花岗岩孤石与下伏基岩的分析至关重要。本文将结合深圳地铁1、2、5、7、和11号线的花岗岩孤石分布情况,深入分析其形成机理,统计其物理力学参数,并与上下基岩的物理力学性质相对比,探讨深圳地区地铁盾构施工的难点与风险,为地铁工程盾构机在该类土层施工提供施工参数,并提出孤石处理方案的相关建议。47257

    毕业论文关键词: 花岗岩风化;孤石;下伏基岩;盾构施工;物理力学参数

    Correlation analysis of Shenzhen granite boulders and bedrock

    Abstract: Shenzhen is widely distributed in the Yanshan period of the invasion of granite, about 50% of the total area of the region, while the granite is very easy to weathering and erosion, and thus lead to serious engineering geological problems. In metro shield tunnel construction, the shield up and down several times through the hard and soft compound varying residual soil formation, resulting in tunneling shield machine speed is too slow, the cutterhead torque is too large, which appeared abnormally damaged or even downtime, but also prone to subsidence, seriously affect the construction schedule. In addition, the underlying bedrock in their regions staggered faults easily lead to seepage, and thus crucial analysis granite boulder and the underlying bedrock. This essay will combine the Shenzhen Metro 1, 2, 5, 7, and 11 line of granite boulders distribution, in-depth analysis of its formation mechanism and the physical and mechanical parameters of statistics, and compared with physical and mechanical properties of rock, study in Shenzhen subway shield construction difficulty and risk, for metro construction shield machine in this type of soil construction construction parameters, and we put forward some suggestions for the treatment scheme of the boulder.

    KeyWords: Granite Weathering; Boulder; Underlying bedrock; Shield Construction; Physical and mechanical parameters

    目 录

    1.绪论 1

    1.1 课题的目的与意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 发展趋势 2

    2.花岗岩风化类型及孤石形成机理 3

    2.1 花岗岩风化类型 3

    2.2 花岗岩孤石形成机理 3

    2.3 花岗岩孤石分布情况 3

    3.花岗岩孤石对工程的影响 6

    3.1  花岗岩风化引起的地质灾害 6

    3.1.1 高空落石与坡面滚石危害 6

    3.1.2 崩塌与滑坡危害 6

    3.1.3 隧道地质危害 6

    3.2 花岗岩风化对边坡稳定性的影响 6

    3.2.1 边坡孤石滚落危害 7

    3.2.2 孤石对边坡主动土压力的影响 7

    3.3 花岗岩风化对桩基的影响 7

    3.4 花岗岩球状风化的防护措施 7

    3.4.1 盾构机选型

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