    摘要:近年来,因外墙保温材料失火造成的重特大高层建筑火灾频发,给人民生命财产造成重大损失。为了探究高层住宅建筑外保温层火灾蔓延规律,分析温度和烟气在高层住宅建筑火灾中的分布状态以及室外风对火灾发展变化的影响,本论文研究以某典型高层住宅为例,采用火灾动力学软件FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator),对室外风作用下外墙保温层火灾发展规律进行了数值模拟,分析研究了室外风对外墙火灾烟气温度、运动速度、CO体积分数、可见度、火源热释放速率等参数的影响作用。研究结果表明室外风对火源热释放速率产生较大影响,会随着风速的增大而增大;在相同风速的情况下,火灾旺盛期时T侧风向>T背风向>T迎风向,本文的研究成果将为高层建筑外墙火灾的预防和消防救援提供有益的参考。7331
    关键词:  高层建筑;外保温层火灾;风速与风向;FDS
    The Study on the Fire Spread of Exterior Insulation Layer of high-rise Residence under the Influence of Wind
    Abstract: In recent years, the result of exterior wall thermal insulation material caught fire to extra high-rise building fire-prone, caused heavy losses to the people's life and property. To explore high-rise residential building fire spreading law of insulation layer, analysing temperature and flue gas distribution in high-rise building fire and the effect of outdoor wind on fire development change, using an example of a typical high-rise residential, applying the fire dynamics software FDS, making numerical simulation of external wall thermal insulation layer under outdoor wind fire development. Analysing the influence of the outdoor air temperature on the exterior fire smoke, velocity, CO volume fraction, visibility, heat release rate and other parameters. The results show that outdoor air to the fire heat release rate has a greater impact, will increase as the wind speed increases; In the case of the same wind speed, T side wind>T leeward>T windward in high fire period. Results of this research will be for external wall of high-rise building in fire prevention and fire rescue provides a useful reference.
    Key Words: high-rise house; fire of exterior insulation layer; wind speed and direction; FDS
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究目的与意义    2
    1.3 研究内容与方法    2
    2 国内外研究现状与发展    4
    2.1 国内高层建筑外墙外保温系统防火性能的现状与发展    4
    2.1.1 国内高层建筑外墙外保温系统防火性能的现状    4
    2.1.2 国内高层建筑外墙外保温系统防火性能的发展    5
    2.2 国外高层建筑外墙外保温系统防火性能的现状与发展    6
    2.2.1 国外高层建筑外墙外保温系统防火性能的现状    6
    2.2.2 国外高层建筑外墙外保温系统防火性能的发展    7
    2.3 室外风对高层建筑火灾的影响    7
    3 室外风对高层建筑外保温层火灾研究的理论基础    8
    3.1 外保温层材料的燃烧特性    8
    3.1.1 常见各类保温材料的燃烧性能等级    8
    3.1.2 燃烧性能等级与现行2006版检测规范分级标准对照表    8
    3.1.3 常见外保温材料的热解分析    9
    3.2 火灾流体动力学理论基础    9
    3.2.1 基本控制方程    9
    3.2.2 燃烧模型理论    10
    3.2.3 基本火灾燃烧系统的不稳定性    11
    3.2.4 火蔓延和烟气运动的动力学演化    12
    3.3 高层火灾研究的理论基础    12
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