


    Abstract In the practice of engineering construction process, construction project management system is to ensure project quality and safe to use, improve the scientific level of construction investment decision, regulate the behavior of the parties involved in construction management practices. Since construction supervision entry system in China implemented a short time, the relative lack of experience, lack of social awareness for construction supervision and construction supervision regime in the implementation process, there are still not standardized and the system is imperfect because, resulting in the current construction supervision industry still has many problems. In this paper, construction supervision system for the generation, development, and briefly describes the status of implementation, based on a detailed analysis of the current China's construction supervision system in practice the main problems and the reason why, and use it as a starting point, made a sound construction supervision system and improve our response. Final analysis of the construction supervision system of supervision enterprise development trends and the future direction.

    Keywords:construction; supervision; institutional norms; perfect

    目     录

    第一章  建设监理制度概述 1

    1.1  建设工程监理相关概念阐释 1

    1.2  我国建设监理制度的产生与发展 1

    1.3 实行建设监理制度的重要意义 4

    第二章 我国建设监理制度的现状分析 5

    2.1  我国实行建设监理制度的初步成效 5

    2.1.1 取得了明显的社会效益和经济效益 5

    2.1.2 建设监理法规体系初步建立 5

    2.1.3监理队伍壮大,人员素质提高 5

    2.2  我国工程建设监理制度的主要内容 6

    2.3  建设项目监理组织形式及特点 7

    2.4  我国建设监理制度在实践过程中存在的主要问题 11

    2.4.1 建设监理市场行为不规范 11

    2.4.2 监理队伍总体水平有待提高 11

    2.4.3 不少项目监理不到位、监理责任无法落实 12

    2.4.4 部分监理企业规模小、承担能力不足 12

    2.4.5 监理行业制度、法律体系不健全 12

    第三章 健全和完善我国建设监理制度的对策分析

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