

    毕业论文关键词:  砖混结构 ;构造柱; 圈梁  

    Abstract The concrete building block is a clay brick of cardinal supersede material, there is the social benefit of the significance in the knot soil economy energy and the environmental conservation.This design for the design that the concrete miniature goes together with the concrete reinforcing rode building block to carve the corpus multistory office.The said design master adoption goes together with the concrete reinforcing rode building block to carve corpus , stair way, ground wok, the house(building) facing slab etc. the adoption sprinkles steel concrete now.The structure adoption longitudinal direction transversal brattishing corpus synthesis accepts heavy structure, and adopt the structure performance that the structure stanchion combines together with the core stanchion and belt course, ring beam.The cardinal contents of the design have(1) the structure layout(2) brattishing experience to calculate(3) the anti - knock checking computation(4) structural member design.There are the knothole design, stair way, appentice, the design of the lintel and the design of the ground wok etc.s among them.The said design follows relevant specification to terminate strictly.

    Keyword:   brick-concrete structure ; Structural concrete column; Ring beam

     目    录

    第一章 建筑总说明 1

    1.1  设计依据: 1

    1.1.1建设要求 1

    1.2基本设计资料: 1

    1.3建筑设计总说明: 3

    第二章 结构总说明 7

    2.1结构方案的选择 7

    2.2设计依据 7

    2.3设计活载 7

    2.4主要结构材料 7

    2.5构造措施要求: 8

    2.6砖混结构承重墙: 8

    2.7选用图集: 8

    2.8设计软件 8

    第三章 荷载统计 9

    3.1屋面荷载 9

    3.1楼面荷载 10

    第四章 楼板设计与配筋计算 12

    第五章 梁的设计与配筋计算 15

    5.1标准层梁的设计与配筋 15

    5.2顶层梁的计算与配筋 18

    第六章 墙体承载力验算 23

    6.1 荷载计算 23

    6.2 确定房屋的静力计算方案 25

    6.3高厚比验算 25

    6.4.墙体受压计算 27

    6.5 砌体局部受压计算 34

    第七章 抗震验算

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