    摘要随着人们生活的水平不断提高,越来越多的人花时间出去旅游,因此各种酒店建筑应运而生。由于酒店中有较多的功能分区,所以在设计时采用框架结构。框架结构可以为建筑提供灵活的使用空间。建筑主体有 32m,纵向柱距 8m。框架结构的墙体是填充墙,起围护和分隔作用。本次设计分为建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑设计是根据整个工程的工程概况、建筑功能要求,酒店性质,生产工艺概况、自然条件、地理情况以及荷载情况来确定建筑设计方案并优化设计方案。建筑设计包括建筑方案设计,总平面设计、各层平面设计、立面设计、剖面设计、采光通风设计、屋面排水设计、和防火设计等内容。其中,总平面设计主要是室外场地的安排、交通道路的布置、停车场布置、绿化等;平面设计主要包括功能分区的布置,平面形式的选择、内部交通联系、柱网布置等;立面设计主要是门窗的布置形式;剖面设计主要是门窗标高、楼梯形式的确定等。结构设计是本次设计的重点,其设计的原则是确保建筑的安全、适用、耐久, 同时应满足功能使用的要求,最好使得设计经济合理。结构设计的主要内容包括确定计算简图、构件选型、荷载计算、内力计算、内力组合、梁柱截面的选取验算及配筋、楼板设计基础设计等。50958
    Abstract Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards , more and more people take thetime to go out to travel, so all kinds of hotel building arises at the historic moment. Due tomore functional partition in the hotel, so the design adopts the frame structure. Framestructure can provide flexible use of space for construction. The main body of building has32 m, lengthways column distance has 8 m. The wall of frame structure is infilled wall,which plays a role in containment and separation. This design is pided into buildingdesign and structural design of two parts.Architectural design is based on the general situation of the engineering, buildingfunctional requirements, the hotel property, production process, natural conditions andgeographical conditions and loading conditions to determine the building design andoptimize design scheme.Architecture design including general level design, each layerplane design, elevation design, profile design, ventilation design, the roof drainage design,lighting and fire protection design etc. Among them, the general layout design mainlyincludes outdoor venue arrangement, the layout of traffic, parking lots, greening, etc;Graphic design mainly includes the functional partition layout, the choice of the form ofplane, internal transport links, column grid layout, etc.;The facade design mainly is thearrangement of doors and Windows; Profile design is mainly to determine the elevation ofdoors andWindows,the determination of staircase form, etc.Structural design is the focus of this design, its design principle is to ensure that thebuildings safe, applicable and durable, should meet the requirements of function used atthe same time, makes the best economic and reasonable design. Structural design of themain content including diagram, component selection, load calculation, internal forcecalculation and internal force combination, the selection of calculation of column sectionand beam section and reinforcement, floor design, foundation design, etc.
    Keywords:Hotel building; Frame structure; Internal force combination; Constructionrequirements










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