    毕业论文关键词 :简支梁;预应力钢筋混凝土;钻孔桩;计算配筋 AbstractThis bridge's for Zhangjiagang some development zone main yang or male principleon bridge, bridge spanning river pond, non-navigation request. I used to is a prestressedconcrete simply supported hollow slab bridge. Its main characteristics:Under the action ofvertical load, the bearing only produce vertical reaction, and no horizontal force. Flexiblestructure sculpt, small building height maintenance quantity is little, experience,thedomestic advanced level,Using precast hollow slab artifacts, shipped to the constructionsite, adopting cast-in-place concrete, connect the hollow slab, its characteristic appearanceis simple and easy fabrication, good integrity.To complete the whole the design of the bridge, must put it into the upper structureand lower structure calculation of two parts.In the upper structure calculation,I finished thecalculation, the estimation of prestressed reinforcement effect and arrangement, calculationof bearing capacity limit state,loss of prestress calculation, calculation and deformationcalculation serviceability limit states of persistent and transient state stress check.Andcarries on the reinforcement and calculation, the comparison standard after all meet therequirements.In the lower structural calculation,must first determine the bridge pier, the pier, thesize of the drilled pile,then calculate capping beam, pier column, drilled pile internalforce,in this case and reinforcement calculation, after check specification are all meet therequirements.Through this graduation design, making me and start the initial stage in theformation of bridge engineering how to use learned knowledge for a comprehensiveunderstanding and operation of many software get exercise, wade for the future and lay agood foundation for entering the industry.
    Keywords: simply supported beam; reinforced concrete structure;bored pile;thecalculation of reinforcement

    目 目 目 目 录 录 录 录

    第一章 第一章 第一章 第一章 绪论 绪论绪论 绪论    1

    1.1 设计的资料1

    1.1.1 主要的技术指标 1

    1.1.2 材料的规格1

    1.1.3 所采用的技术规范2

    1.2 构造形式及尺寸选定2

    1.2.1 桥梁总体的规划原则.2

    1.2.2 方案的比选. 3

    1.2.3 梁截面的形式 .5

    1.2.4 桥墩的方案比选6

    1.3 桥梁纵断面、横断面设计及平面布置.6

    1.3.1 桥梁的纵断面设计6

    1.3.2 桥梁的横断面设计7

    1.3.3 桥梁的平面布置8

    第二章 第二章 第二章 第二章 预应力混凝土空心板的设计 预应力混凝土空心板的设计 预应力混凝土空心板的设计 预应力混凝土空心板的设计.   9

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