


    ABSTRACT This engineering is an office building of many layers in Dongying City . According to the function, the construct consists of five layers. The building is 21.0 meters in height and the total floor area is 5870m2 .

    Reinforced concrete frame structure is adopted in this engineering. The design includes determination of structure calculating diagram; calculation of load; analysis of internal force; combination of internal force; reinforcement for beams and columns; the design of slab, stair and basement; the drawing of structural working plan. Dead load, live load, wind load and earthquake action are considered. The design of beams is based on plastic analysis. Slab stair and strip foundation are selected in this design. In the seismic design, the design principle of “strong column and weak beam, strong shear and weak bending, strong joint week member” is obeyed. And the cross-section can meet the demand of construction.

     Keywords: frame; action of earthquake; internal force; design; reinforcement


    第一章 前言 1

    第二章  总设计说明 3

    2.1建筑论述 3

    2.2结构设计论述: 5

    第三章  荷载计算及截面尺寸选取 9

    3.1、截面尺寸选取 9

    3.2、 荷载汇集 9

    3.2.1、恒载 9

    3.2.2、活荷载 10

    3.3、重力荷载代表值的计算 11

    第四章 水平荷载作用下的框架内力分析 15

    4.1、 层间侧移刚度的计算 15

    4.1.1、梁线刚度: 15

    4.1.2、柱线刚度: 16

    4.1.3、柱的侧移刚度D: 16

    4.2、  水平地震作用分析 17

    4.2.1、框架水平地震作用及水平地震剪力计算: 17

    4.2.2、 水平地震作用下的层间位移和顶点位移计算 19

    4.3.1、反弯点高度修正 19

    4.3.2、柱端弯矩 20

    4.4、水平地震作用下梁端弯矩按下式计算: 21

    4.5、水平地震作用下的梁端剪力和柱轴力标准值: 22

    4.6、水平地震作用下的框架弯距图如下: 23

    4.7、水平地震作用下的剪力图如下: 24

    第五章 风荷载作用下框架分析

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