
    摘要本设计是某小区住宅楼结构设计,其主体结构为钢框架—支撑结构。本设计的成果主要由设计计算书和结构施工图两部分组成。  结构计算包括水平风荷载下框架的内力计算、地震作用下框架的内力计算、竖向荷载作用下的框架内力计算,内力组合,梁柱截面验算及节点设计,楼梯计算,基础设计,楼板设计,中心支撑的内力和节点的计算。其中内力计算包括电算和有支撑框架和无支撑框架的手算。  电算时,先用钢结构设计软件STS进行结构平面布置,检查平面数据,输入楼板,输入结构构件,再用PKPM,画结构平面图;最后用SATWE软件进行框架—支撑的空间结构计算,输出钢框架结构验算及内力计算结果。  本设计带支撑框架的内力计算都采用有限元的方法求得;竖向荷载作用下的无支撑的框架计算则采用弯矩分配法求得。求出上述内力后,即可进行内力组合,然后根据内力组合的结果进行梁、柱、中心支撑截面验算及节点设计。最后进行楼梯的设计、进行柱下独立基础设计。52364


    Abstract This design is a residential building design. It is steel frame - support structure. The results of the design mainly consist of calculations and structural design drawings. Structural calculations include calculation under horizontal wind load force, the calculation under earthquake force, and the calculation under the vertical load force. It also includes the combination of the force, the design of the beam, column, stair, basement, floor, and the node calculations under internal forces and center support. Computing force calculation includes a support frame and a supporting frame and no hand calculations. When computing, I use STS for structural steel design, checking plane data, inputting slab and structure components, and then use PKPM for painted structure plan. Finally, I use SATWE to calculate the framework and check the output of steel frame structure and stress calculations. The supporting frame design with force calculation is obtained by using the finite element method. Vertical load without support under the framework of calculation is obtained using the moment distribution method. After calculating the internal forces, they should be combined. Then according to the results of the combination, I can design beams, columns, center support section and conduct node design. Finally, I can conduct the design of staircase and independent foundation.

    Keywords: Frame–support structure;Center support;Internal forces combination;Steel structure;

    目  录

    第一章 建筑设计 1

    1.1工程概况 1

    1.2结构选型 1

    1.2.1对采用钢结构进行经济技术分析 1

    1.2.2对采用钢结构的承重体系进行分析 2

    1.3 结构布置 2

    1.3.1平面布置 3

    1.3.2竖向布置 3

    1.4楼盖结构 5

    1.5基础尺寸 5

    1.6材料的选用 5

    第二章 结构设计 7

    2.1结构内力计算 7

    2.1.1框架柱截面尺寸初估 7

    2.1.2.主梁的截面初估 8

    2.1.3.纵向框架梁 9


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