
    摘要本工程为华宇商业写字楼 ,六层框架结构,首层层高为3.9m,其它层层高为3.3m。主体高度为21.7m。建筑总面积为4536m2。经过细致的方案论证,我们决定上部结构采用纵横向承重的钢筋混凝土框架结构。因为该工程抗震设防烈度为7度,所以不考虑竖向地震作用。在用底部剪力法求出水平地震作用后,利用D值法完成了水平地震作用下的一榀框架的内力组合计算。采用弯矩二次分配法分别完成了恒载和活载最不利布置作用下的内力计算。接着进行结构构件的地震作用效应与其它荷载效应的基本组合及无地震作用效应与其它荷载效应的基本组合两种情况,对框架内力进行组合,得出框架梁柱的控制内力,进而完成了梁柱截面的配筋计算。进行了独立基础的计算及零星构件的计算。用天正2008、AutoCAD2007、PKPM2008软件等计算并绘制本工程建筑和结构施工图。52539

    毕业论文关键词: 地震、框架结构、二次分配法、荷载内力组合、截面设计、办公楼


    This project is HuaYu Commercial office building. This subject is six stories frame structure. The first storey is 3.9m,the other storey is 3.3m . The body height of 21.7m .The total building area of this project is 4536m2.After complicated analysis, the frame structure of supporting weight in lengthways and transverse direction of reinforced concrete is adopted for the superstructure of this building .As the anti-earthquake degree is 7,vertical earthquake is skipped.  After the horizontal earthquake is calculated by the bottom-shear method, the Value D method is applied to calculate the stress of a frame under horizontal earthquake. Then the stress under vertical dead load and the most adverse-arrange live load is calculated by the double-moment-pided method. Considering the two cases: the basic combination of the earthquake and the load and the basic combination of the load and no earthquake, the load effect combination is carried off. So according to the stress and of beams and columns, the section design is finished .The calculation of the independent foundation and other members are carried on. The software of Tianzheng2008, AutoCAD2007 and PKPM2008 is applied to calculation and draw the pictures of the building and structure construction. 

    Keywords:  earthquake, frame structure, stress, double-moment-pided method, load effect combination, section design,office building


     第一章 建筑设计说明 1

    1.1 设计要求 1

    1.2 调研 1

    1.3 平面布置 2

    1.4 立面布置 2

    1.5 剖面设计 2

    1.6 垂直交通设计 2

    1.7 耐火等级、防火疏散和采光通风 3

    1.8 其他构造设计 3

     第二章 结构设计 4

    2.1 框架结构设计 4

    2.1.1 工程概况 4

    2.1.2 设计条件 4

    2.2 梁柱截面、梁跨度及柱高的确定 5

    2.2.1 初估截面尺寸 6

    2.2.2 梁的计算跨度 6

    2.2.3 柱的高度 7

    2.3 荷载计算 8

         2.3.1恒载标准值 8


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