Abstract This design is a steel structure residential buildings in zhenjiang area.This house is six layers.Every two households use a staircase.
Architectural design includes plane layout, facade design, profile design, selection and fire.This paper is mainly for the architectural design, layout, facade design, profile design and the fire protection and evacuation design.
The design of plane layout is reasonable, to meet the functional requirements. Structure calculation is comprehensive and detailed, to meet the design require -ments of the task.
Structural use of steel frame system. Structural design includes the calculation of load (load, wind load, vertical load gravity).Structural design includes the calculation of load (load, wind load, vertical load gravity).Based on the calculation of the load force,I carry on the combination of internal forces and check frame beam, column, weld, node with the most unfavorable load.
Key words:house ;steel structure ;steel frame system
目 录
第一章 建筑设计说明 ..(1)
1.1 工程概况(1)
1.1.1 建筑概况(1)
1.1.2 建筑设计资料..(1)
1.2 设计方案(1)
1.2.1 建筑平面设计..(1)
1.2.2 建筑立面设计..(2)
1.2.3 建筑剖面设计.. .(3)
1.2.4 建筑物朝向.(4)
1.2.5 住宅内部设计..(4)
1.2.6 建筑材料选择..(7)
1.2.7 屋面与板连接处细部设计.(8)
1.2.8 设计依据(8)
第二章 结构设计..(9)
2.1.3 可变荷载..(11)
2.2 结构布置与计算简图.(11)
2.2.1 横向框架布置.(11)
2.2.2 框架平面计算单元(11)
2.3 构件截面尺寸构造(12)
2.3.1 梁截面初选(12)
2.3.2 框架柱截面初选..(13)
2.4 框架计算..(13)
2.4.1 梁的长度确.定(13)
2.4.2 梁注线刚度计算 .(13)
2.4.3 荷载计算..(14)
2.4.4 横向框架侧移刚度计算..(16)
2.4.5 横向水平地震作用下的框架的内力和侧移计算(17)
2.4.7 竖向荷载作用下框架结构内力计算.(33)
2.4.8 横向框架内力组合(50)
2.5 构件截面验算.(57)
2.5.1 框架柱验算(57)
2.5.2 框架梁的验算.(60)
2.6 节点设计 .(62)
2.7 柱脚设计..(64)
2.8 楼梯设计..(73)
2.8.1 楼板设计..(73)
2.8.2 屋面板设计(78)
2.9 楼梯设计..(84)
2.9.1 楼梯设计基本资料(84)
2.9.2 楼梯板设计(84)