


    Abstract Never had a serious pressure on China's energy and resources, energy-saving construction quality should be given extensive attention. Detailed discussion of the issues in this article, to find ways to further improve.Energy-saving reform should fully take into account climatic factors and site factors, adverse effects of exterior-protected structure to take into account the surrounding thermal bridges, with attention to enhancing the building envelope insulation performance; also should make full use of natural sources of heat, cooling to achieve heating and cooling. Energy saving renovation of existing buildings with the construction of reality as a starting point, analysis to select the most appropriate energy-saving programmes, cannot be lifted as new construction energy conservation work, in order to bring the existing building in its original role to play at the same time to building energy efficiency standards. Hundreds of residential quarters in Beijing, most of which there are many vulnerabilities of building energy conservation, Beijing, Wan Guo Cheng MOMA to stage a floor of this article as an example for energy-saving analysis and improvement of building quality problems.

    Keywords:energy-saving buildings; quality issues; countermeasures

    目  录


    第一章 绪论1

       1.1 本文研究背景1

       1.2 国内外研究现状1

          1.2.1 国内研究现状.1

          1.2.2 国外研究现状.2

       1.3 本文研究的内容3

       1.4 本文采用的研究方法及步骤3

          1.4.1 研究方法.3

          1.4.2 研究步骤和措施.3 

       1.5 研究本论文的目的及意义4   

    第二章 节能建筑的质量问题.5

       2.1 节能建筑的定义5

       2.2 节能建筑的特征及设计原则5

          2.2.1 节能建筑的特点.5

          2.2.2 节能建筑的设计原则.5

       2.3 节能建筑设计和施工现状7

       2.4 节能建筑存在的主要质量问题7

          2.4.1 节能效果不明显.7

          2.4.2 围护结构结露问题.9

          2.4.3 外保温层粘贴瓷砖的安全性问题9

          2.4.4 外墙外保温的抗裂性问题10       

    第三章 节能建筑质量问题的解决措施12

       3.1 节能效果及室内热环境问题的对策.12

          3.1.1 “热”桥的防治12

          3.1.2 建筑表皮颜色影响的控制12

          3.1.3 外窗辐射得热的控制13

       3.2 围护结构结露问题的解决措施.16

          3.2.1 湿空气的防治16

          3.2.2 围护结构的蒸汽渗透的控制17

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