



    1、 路线设计:在已知平面图的情况下,进行纵断面的设计,要求线路平顺、填挖合理、经济适用。

    2、 路基设计:包括各个桩号的填挖计算、稳定分析性分析、整个线路的土石方计算等。

    3、 路面设计:路基在不同干湿状态下,所设计的为水泥混凝土路面方案,要求经济适用,便于施工,满足规范。

    4、 小桥涵设计,完成一项涵洞设计。

    5、 应用计算机绘制工程图,手工绘制部分工程图。



    Road construction plays an important role in promoting the rapid development of the national economy. In order to consolidate what they have learned on road construction, We are ready to conduct a secondary road to graduation design. This is the last time before graduating challenges and inspection, fully prepared for the future stepped into the society.

    Sections of this design is located in Plain area, highway design level for two design sections of K043 +600.00 K048 +620.00 design speed of 80km / h, subgrade width of 12.0m.

    Our prime contents of the design project includes:

    (1) Make sure the vertical section in condition on the landform which is known.

    (2) The design of the subgrade, and the work involves a lot of items: analyze the stability of brae; the fill or dig height of every peg and so on.

    (3) The design of pavement, and this contents that the select of the construction about concrete and asphalt pavement in different case.

    (4) bridge and culvert design, completion of a culvert design.

    (5) application of computer drawing drawings, hand-painted drawing

    Keywords: Plain; secondary roads; Graphic Design

    目 录

    第一章 绪论-------------6

    1.1概述-------------- 6

      1.2 选题意义--------------6 

    第二章 总体设计------------- -7

      2.1选线-------------- 7

      2.2 设计要素的确定-------------9 

    第三章 平面线形设计----------- 11 

      3.1 概述--------------11 

      3.2 选线的一般原则------------ 11 

      3.3 选线步骤-------------- -12

      3.4平面设计的一般原则-- ----------12 

    第四章  道路纵断面设计---------- 17 

      4.1 纵断面设计要求 ----------- 17

      4.2 纵坡设计的要求-----------  17 

      4.3 竖曲线设计------------  19 

      4.4 道路平纵组合设计及景观设计--------- 20 

    第五章  道路横断面设计---------- 21 

      5.1  概述-------------- -21

      5.2 横断面设计原则------------ 21 

      5.3 横断面设计------------- 22

        5.3.1 横断面组成及宽度----------22 

        5.3.2 加宽计算------------22 

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