    设计总说明本设计是上海市阳光大厦中央空调系统冷热源的设计,建筑共 34 层,总地面积为190000 平方米,高度132m,空调面积为 54472平方米。地下 4层,每个楼层里面包含了餐馆,商品的出售,等等。地面上方有 30层,1 至 7 楼是裙房,每个楼层里面包含了商场,商务楼等等,第 16楼为避难层,1 到30 楼的主楼是办公的大厅。楼与楼之间的高度为 3米。此次的毕业设计完美的考虑到了阳光大厦的使用功能以及它的结构风格的特点,同时我们还兼顾了上海市的气候条件,从而对该建筑做了冷热源系统设计在本次冷热源空调系统设计之前,首先我们对阳光大厦进行了楼层空调的负荷计算,然后进一步地确定了冷水机组的选用形式、冷水机组的数量,接着我们对其他的末端需要使用的设施做了选型的工作,同时确定了本栋楼最不利点地所在层的扬程,最后我们顺利的画出了平面图。之后我们根据流量的多少以及扬程的大小选择了水泵,我们根据鸿业软件算出来的负荷完成了制冷需要使用的设施的选型。其中楼层的围护结构的负荷在风力以及太阳的照射的影响下,显得格外的重要。外墙面朝的方位不同,外窗面朝的方位不同,甚至就连不同的材质的外窗,对外围护结构的负荷都有着不可小觑的影响。因此,我们在计算外围护结构的负荷时,要充分的考虑屋面、外窗、外墙的面积,以及面朝的方向,选用的材质等等。另外一个负荷要点就是室内的人员密度。某一些室内房间的人员密度相当大,而另一些室内房间的人员密度相当小,并且即使某一些房间的作用功能是一样的,但是他们之间的人员密度也不相同。例如公共的餐馆,这里的人口密度基本上可以达到1 人每平方米,所以说人体的显热冷负荷是非常大的,而西餐包间,这里的人员密度一般情况下是0.25 人每平方米,因此与公共餐厅相比人体的显热冷负荷就要少许许多多。还有一部分不能缺少的负荷就是需要使用的设施产生的负荷以及灯光照明的负荷。 需要使用的设施产生的符合以及灯光照明产生的负荷一般情况下在9w至60w每平方米之内,某一些特殊的房间可以更多,这就需要不同功能房间的具体使用状况来确定。其它的负荷项 (其中包括了某一些安全的因素, 管道不一定的泄露, 风机产生的余热)不应该比总负荷的百分之二十高。随着当代社会经济的快速发展,农村向城市转化的速度不断加快,越来越多的城市综合体的产生,我们对建筑物的采光、室内空气的清新程度、室内的噪音程度等等的要求也越来越高,所以说,建筑中央空调系统设计正在走向一个非常重要的位置。此次中央空调系统设计冷热源本着节约能源的原则,我们在灯光照明、终端需要使用的设施、空调系统的精致布置上都尽最大努力保证能源的节约。我们此次所做的设计都是严格的依据我国、某个地区、或者这个行业的标准执行的,做到了精心的设计。53437
    General Description of DesignThis design is the design of the central air conditioning system in Shanghai City,
    centralair-conditioning system, the construction of a total of 34 floors, with a total area of 190000square meters, a height of 132M, air conditioning area of 54472 square meters. Underground 4floors, each of which contains a restaurant, the sale of goods, etc.There were 30 floors aboveground, 1 to 7 floor podiums, each floor contains shopping malls, commercial buildings, and soon, the 16th floor for refuge floors and 1 to the 30th floor of the main building is office of hall.The height between the building and the building is 3 meters. The graduation design perfect fortaking to the sunshine building use function and its structure and style characteristics. At thesame time, we also take into account the climatic conditions in Shanghai, and the constructionof the design of the cold and heat source systemBefore the cold heat air conditioning system design, first of all, we to sunshine hotel werefloor air conditioning load calculation, and further to determine the number of chiller selectionform, chiller, then we on the other end of the need to use the facilities do selection, alsoidentified the buildings the most unfavorable point where head layer. Finally, we smooth thepainting the plane figure. We according to the flow and head size selection of the pump, webased on Hongye software calculated load completed the selection of refrigeration of thefacilities needed.Under the influence of the wind and the sun's radiation, the load of the building's retainingstructure appears especially important. Exterior wall facing different directions, outside thewindow facing different directions, even even outside the windows of different materials, theload of the external envelope structure have underestimated the impact. Therefore, we calculatethe load in the outer envelope, to fully consider the roof, outer windows, walls of the area, aswell as the direction of the face, the selection of materials, etc..Another load point is the density of people indoors. Some room personnel density is quitelarge, and some other room personnel density is quite small, and even function of some of theroom is the same, but the density of the personnel between them is not the same. Such as publicrestaurant, population density here basically can reach 1 per square meter, so that humansensible heat cooling load is very large, and Western rooms, staff here density generally is 0.25per square meter, so compared with a public restaurant human sensible heat cooling load to alittle more.There is also a part of the load that can not be missing is the need to use the facilities toproduce the load and the lighting of the load. The facilities required to generate the complianceand lighting load generally in 9W to 60W per square meters, some special room can be more,which requires the specific use condition of rooms of different functions to determine.Other load items (including a number of safety factors, the pipeline does not necessarilyleak, the exhaust heat generated by the wind turbine) should not be higher than the total load oftwenty percent.With the rapid development of economy in modern society, continues to accelerate thepace of rural to urban transformation, more and more urban complex, we to the buildinglighting, indoor air fresh degree, indoor noise level, and so on are increasingly highrequirements, therefore, building central air-conditioning system design to a very important position. The central air conditioning system design of cold and heat source in line with theprinciple of energy conservation, we are in the lighting, the terminal needs to use the facilities,air-conditioning system, the exquisite layout of the best efforts to ensure that energyconservation. All of our design is strictly based on our country, a region, or the implementationof the industry standard, and do a careful design.
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