
    Summary of the design of this type of public places fire safety hazards focus and types of accidents that may occur as well as regional fire system design. During design, I found all respects with fire-related information, and access to relevant design specifications and design manuals, finally completed the construction of the fire in public buildings design through the libraries.

    This design mainly involves the standard" code for fire protection design of buildings" GB50016-2014," fire protection design of tall buildings" GB50045-95," for design of automatic fire alarm system," GB50116-98" code for design of sprinkler systems " GB50140-2005" code for design of architectural specification extinguisher. Main references of The design includes " building fire protection design", "automatic water spraying fire extinguishing system design manual", "high-rise building fire protection design handbook", "building fire protection technology" and other books, and a large number of books in the Library Journal, many fire engineering design data, a large amount of information and knowledge has been collected from library.

    Key words:logistics information building;fire protection system design;smoke control system; hydrant system; automatic fire alarm system; configuration of fire extinguisher;safety evacuation


    1 绪论 1

    1.1课题背景及意义 1


    1.3 课题设计内容 2

    2. 设计依据及工程概况 3



    3建筑耐火等级确定 6

    3.1 建筑分类及耐火等级 6

    4建筑总平面布置 9



        4.2消防车道   9


    5.建筑平面防火设计 11

        5.1防火分区 11

    5.2 垂直防火分区划分 12

    5.3 中庭防火设计 13

    5.4 防烟分区 13

    5.5设计小结 13

    6 安全疏散设计 14

    6.1疏散安全出口设计 14

    6.1.1 疏散安全出口的宽度确定 14

    6.1.2 物流信息楼疏散安全出口数量确定 15

    6.1.3 物流信息楼疏散门的设置 15

    6.2 安全疏散距离 15

        6.3本章小结 16

    7 室内装修防火设计 17

    7.1建筑室内装修材料的分类与分级 17

    7.1.1建筑室内装修的火灾危险性 17

    7.2装修防火要求 17

    8灭火器的配置 20

    8.1灭火器的选择 20

    8.1.1 灭火器配置场所火灾危险等级划分 20

    8.1.2 灭火器类型选择 20

    8.2 灭火器配置

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