
        In water and energy saving, the present building water supply system is directly supplied by the municipal level, make full use of municipal water pressure, and not based on water use, a separate sub-metering; manifold pressure is greater than 0.2MPa water supply are located at the manifold valve controls each water point pressure <0.20MPa; water supply system should be used in all kinds of rubber materials comply with the health requirements for sealing pipes attached (with) pieces (valves, meters, pipe fittings) has a good selection of sealing performance and reliable connection. the  valves, check valves, valves, etc. in meet the premise of safety, they are used less resistance loss products; reasonable choice of pipe diameter, flow rate control pipe, the control device so that efficient operation, reducing energy consumption, reduce the impact of the pipeline on the environment noisy sound;. selection of sanitary ware and accessories for the water and energy conservation products and meet the "water-saving domestic water appliances" CJ164-2002 standard faucets are made of durable ceramic seal, good performance of core faucets. Flow 0.1L / S, a toilet flushing water of not more than 6 liters / second; tank water control valve with hydraulic level control valve to prevent uncontrolled overflow of various pumps with low noise, high efficiency, energy-saving products Pump basic settings. coupling plate, isolation, etc. to reduce noise.

        In accordance with the provisions of the relevant national standards and design manual,  

    combined with design scheme of the system piping and equipment layout, drawing the plane diagram, the system diagram and bathrooms to the drainage, pumping stations, and the water tank of large sample map. The design calculation of each system is carried out, the pressure and flow of the system are obtained, the pipe diameter, slope, elevation and other parameters of each pipe section, the model of water pump, water tank and other equipment and piping accessories are selected. Finally, through checking and calculating, show that the design is reasonable, pipelines and equipment selection to meet the use requirements.


    第一章 设计概况及设计资料 - 1 -

    1.1 设计题目 - 1 -

    1.2 目的及作用 - 1 -

    1.3.设计任务 - 1 -

    1.4 设计要求 - 1 -

    1.4.1任务要求 - 1 -

    1.4.2 设计成果要求 - 2 -

    1.4.3 设计规范 - 2 -

    1.5工程概况 - 2 -

    1.6 市政给水、排水资料 - 2 -

    1.7 建筑图纸资料 - 3 -

    第2章 给水系统 - 4 -

    2.1 设计方案选择 - 4 -

    2.1.1 给水方式 - 4 -

    2.1.2 给水方案的确定 - 5 -

    2.1.3 系统组成 - 5 -

    2.1.4 管道布置 - 5 -

    2.2 给水系统水力计算 - 5 -

    2.2.1 用水量计算 - 5 -

    2.2.2 水池、水表的计算 - 7 -

    2.2.3 给水管网水力计算 - 9 -

    2.2.4 设备的计算与选择 - 12 -

    2.2.5水泵机组的设置 - 12 -

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