Fire design of a hotel guest room building

Abstract:with the development of our economy, urbanization construction, the improvement of people's material and cultural level,also corresponding increase risk of fire, fire safety more and more get people's attention. Hotel in case of fire, for people are not familiar with, to building structure and people's psychological panic. Damage cannot be estimated, for social stability and the adverse impact of the sustainable development of economy. Therefore, to strengthen the fire control design of the hotel is more and more attention. 

The main content of this paper include: (1) the total plane design; (2) the explanation of the fire compartment and fire partition design; (3) indoor and outdoor fire water supply system and fire water system design; (4) the safe evacuation design of safe evacuation design principles; (5) the classification of fire extinguisher and fire extinguisher configuration design; (6) the automatic sprinkler system design; (7) automatic fire alarm system design; (8) smoke control design. 

In this paper, design objects belong to multi-storey buildings, a total of four layers, three layers on the ground, underground. Underground construction area of 1789.6 m2, mainly of the ground floor of a room, billiards room, equipment room, table tennis room, recreation room, the ground is three main rooms, meeting rooms, service personnel occupancy, supporting the men and women toilet rooms, lounge, etc. The first layer of the construction area of 1765.4 m2, building area of the second and third layer are 1765.4 m2, construction area of 1789.6 m2, the underground layer height of 2.88 m, building height of 17.05 m, building a L, length of 58.98 m, 18.18 m wide. 

The fire resistance rating of the hotel as the secondary, hotel and fire resistance rating for grade 4 of the podium and other civil building fire prevention span span is 9 meters, and fire resistance rating for level 3 of the podium and other civil building fire prevention spacing span of 7 meters, and the fire resistance rating for level 2 of the podium and other civil building fire prevention span span is 6 meters, the hotel and fireproof rank first and second class of high-rise civil buildings for fire prevention span span is 9 meters. Fire lane design for annular fire lane, indoor fire hydrant pipes adopt dendritic form, in the form of fire lane width is 4 m, fire lane and the structure of the distance of 5.5 m. 

According to relevant regulations of the hotel guest room floor fire zoning, pided into the underground layer 2 fire partition,the ground first to the third layer of each layer is pided into a fire zone. , according to the relevant specification for fire water system design, the hotel guest room floor to 40 l/s, outdoor fire hydrant water hydrant span is 100 m, in three fire hydrant. Set 6 riser, fire pump head for 31 m, flow rate of 35.88 L/S. 

The safe evacuation design, the first to the third layer security export quantity for two. The number of underground exit for four.Room evacuation doors, safety exit, evacuation aisle and evacuation stair net width, so the room of each floor evacuation doors,safety exit, evacuation aisle and evacuation stair to the respective net width of 0.75 m, aisle width is 2.1 m. 

Fire extinguisher configuration, automatic sprinkler system design, in accordance with the relevant specification, the fire danger rating of hotel guest room floor belong to the dangerous level, choose ammonium phosphate dry powder fire extinguishers, three the set point of each layer, each set point the number of fire extinguishers for five people. The hotel guest room floor, automatic sprinkler system of hydraulic strength of qs=4L/(min.m2); The most unfavorable point nozzle pressure is P = 0.1 MPa; Design for A = effect area 160 m2. Nozzle decorate a form using a square layout, spacing of 4.5 m, the automatic sprinkler system adopts wet system, pipeline layout using the dendritic pipeline network. By the side of the central water way water way. 
















