The analysis of potential accident and the discussion on safety management of a business building
Abstract: The business Building is a multifunctional product in the new era, with shopping malls, shops, business and residential. In this thesis, I have realized the current situation of the security management in domestic and international commercial building, concentrated on the characteristics of high floor, large scale, many officers and mobility features, combined with common types of accidents, used two different methods: the PHA-LEC analysis and the fault
tree analysis, analyzed and evaluated the potential accident qualitatively and quantitatively, which came to a common conclusion: the fire is the biggest risk, the stampede accident and the elevator accident should also be considered as the second place. Combined with the safety checklist and the mode of the whole process management and integrated its advantages, at the condition of ensuring exhaustive inspections, while also improving the quality and efficiency of security checks, I put forward different corrective measures for different hazards, and I also explore out the "sub-period and sub-content of the 1:1:1 check" management mode which can be suitable in the most of the commercial buildings, shopping malls and shopping centers.
Key Words: business building;potential accident;security management;safety mode
1 绪论 1
1.1 本文的研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1 商务楼的概念 1
1.1.2 近年来我国商务楼重大事故案例 1
1.1.3 本文的研究对象及目的 2
1.2 国内外有关商务楼的安全管理现状 3
1.2.1 国内安全管理现状 3
1.2.2 国外安全管理现状 4
1.3 本文研究内容 5
2 某商务楼简介 6
2.1 项目基本情况 6
2.2 建筑布局 6
2.3 来福士广场事故统计 8
2.3.1 事故案例 8
2.3.2 案例统计与分析 9
3 商务楼主要的事故隐患及其防治措施 10
3.1 我国商务楼存在的安全问题 10
3.1.1 对安全的重视程度不够 10
3.1.2 缺乏应急疏散预案和消防应急演练 10
3.1.3 电气线路使用和安排不规范 10
3.1.4 安全通道不畅通 11
3.2 商务楼中常见的事故类型 11
3.2.1 火灾 11
3.2.2 电梯事故 11
3.2.3 高坠 12
3.2.4 踩踏事故 12
3.2.5 物体打击 12
3.2.6 触电 13
3.2.7 恐怖袭击 13
- 上一篇:社会工作视角下上海市城镇残疾人社会救助问题研究
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