毕业论文关键词: 城郊地区; 社区治理; 问题; 对策
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Research of Community Governance Issues in Suburban Areas
Abstract With the accelerating process of urbanization, community governance issues in suburban areas have gained much more concern from all social circles。 On the basis of sorting out relevant literature both home and abroad, on the field investigation and interviews, combined with knowledge of social work, this article mainly focuses on the current situation of community governance in suburban areas。 Finally, four aspects of problems have been found: poor management system, insufficient participation from the public, developmental problems of culture and gymnastic cause, leftover problems from destruction in suburban areas。 In order to provide a useful reference for solving community governance issues in suburban areas, feasible suggestions could be given from three aspects: governance system, community service and information platform。源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766
Keywords: suburban areas; community governance; problem; countermeasure
目 次
1。绪论 2
1。1。研究背景 2
1。2。研究目的 2
1。3。研究意义 2
1。3。1。理论意义 2
1。3。2。实践意义 3
1。4。文献综述 3
1。4。1。国外研究成果综述 3
1。4。2。国内研究成果综述 4
1。4。3。现有研究不足及研究未来取向 5
2。概念、理论基础 7
2。1。相关概念 7
2。1。1。社区概述 7
2。1。2。城郊地区 7
2。1。3。社区治理 8
2。2。相关理论基础 8
2。2。1。马斯洛需求层次理论 8
2。2。2。社会系统理论 8
2。2。3。国家与市民社会关系理论 9
3。城郊地区社区治理现状——以A社区为例 10
3。1。A社区概况 10
3。2。社区治理现状调查研究 11
3。3。社区治理问题探究 11
3。3。1。社区管理体制陈旧 11
3。3。2。公众参与明显不足 14
3。3。3。文体事业有待发展 15