摘  要目 的:随着人口老龄化进程的不断加剧,老年人的健康需求越来越成为社会的焦点问题,通过了解老年人健康需求现状及存在的相关问题,积极采取相应的措施,对于解决老龄化社会加剧过程中老年人健康需求问题具有重要意义。方 法:通过文献综述法、问卷调查法及访谈法,对浙江省千岛湖镇井塘村老年人基本情况、自感健康状况、患病情况、健康需求现状、社区的健康服务供给情况及满意度等内容进行调查,利用描述性分析、相关分析等统计方法对结果进行分析。结 果:(1)本次调查的老年人主要为60-69岁,占比56。8%;72。8%的老年人有配偶;大部分老年人文化水平都比较低;老年人主要患病为高血压、高血脂、脑血管病、骨关节病、冠心病及哮喘或慢支,占比分别为29。6%、16。0%、15。2%、14。4%、13。2%、12。1%等;大部分老人完全可以自理,占比73。5%;自感健康状况较好的老人占比为55。6%。(2)相关分析结果显示,高血压患病与否与性别相关;高血压患病情况、是否患有慢性病与老年人年龄相关,老年人自感健康与他们对医疗技术水平以及医疗设施的满意情况相关;老年人生活自理能力与他们对医疗技术水平以及医疗设施的满意情况相关;和子女聊天以及需要村委或志愿者组织老年人活动的精神慰藉需求情况与老年人性别相关;和子女聊天以、和朋友或者邻居沟通、找专业人员进行心理疏导、培养兴趣爱好,消遣时间、村委会或志愿者组织老年人活动等与老年人年龄相关;健康体检和健康教育需求服务与老年人居住状态相关;健康咨询和评估、健康体检、健康管理计划、上门护理、去大医院看病负责联系和健康教育需求服务与老年人自感健康状况相关。结论:(1)老年人健康状况不容乐观,存在多种慢性病,且高血压、高血脂、脑血管病等慢性病患病率较高;(2)老年人健康服务需求旺盛,且老年人自感健康状况与老年人健康服务需求具有紧密的相关性。88419

Objective :With the fast aging of the Chinese people,the health demand of the elderly become the focus of social problems。 It is necessary to investigate the situation of the health care requirement of the elderly in Zhejiang Province, according to which corresponding countermeasures should be carried out。 Solving the problems related to the health care requirement shows big meaning for the fast aging of the Chinese people。 Methods:Through the methods of literature review, questionnaire survey and interview method, we take the Jingtang village in Qian Daohu country as the example, and to investigate the basic situation, the sel-feeling health status, illness, health care demand, the community health service supply and the related elders’ satisfaction。 By using descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and other statistical methods, we analyzed the the results。 The elders we surveyed were mainly 60-69 years old, accounting for 56。8% of the population。 72。8% of the elderly have spouses, and most of the older people have lower levels of literacy。 The health problems of the elders include hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cerebrovascular disease, joint disease, coronary heart disease and asthma or chronic bronchitis, which accounted for 29。6%, 16。0%, 15。2%, 14。4%, 13。2%, and 12。1%。 73。5% of the elderly are completely self-reliant, 55。6% of elderly people have good self-feeling health。 The statistical analytic results showed that whether the elderly are ill and have hypertension or not is correlated to genders of the elders。 The self-feeling of health is correlated to their requirement for the level of medical technology and satisfaction of the medical facilities。 The needs to talk to children and the need for spiritual comfort supplied by the country committee organization is related to the gender of the elderly。 And talking to the children, communicating with friends and neighbors, counseling to the professionals to solve psychological problems, cultivation of personal interests, recreation activities organized by the village committee correlated to the age of the elderly。 Services of health checkups and health education requirements correlated to the living status of elderly people。 Health consultation and evaluation, physical examination and health management plan, home health care, helping to subscribe to large hospital for medical service and health educations services correlated to the elderly self-feeling of health。





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