    毕业论文关键词: 商业地产;多文定位;综合评价
    Commercial Real Estate Projects Positioning Research
    Abstract:Along with China's economic developing, The need for commercial facilities grows with each passing day .This directly promoted the development of commercial real estates,and led to the widespread rise of commercial real estate projects, and the commercial real estate’s construction increasing increasing a lot.However, the development of commercial real estate projects has their own peculiarities.Compare to the development of residential project, the development of commercial realestate project has a series of links, thus leading to the failure of the project.
    First of all, the article analyzed the current situation of China’s commercial real estate, summarized the problems in commercial real estate development in our country. Then combined with the literature analysis to the project multi-dimensional positioning has carried on the elaboration,and detailed the multidimensional positioning.And with the use of AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method established a comprehensive evaluation model of project positioning.
    KeyWords: Commercial Real Estate;Multidimensional Positiong;Comprehensive
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 商业地产发展现状    1
    1.2 商业地产发展中存在的问题    2
    1.3 商业地产开发项目定位的意义    3
    2 商业地产的相关概念    4
    2.1 商业地产的概念    4
    2.2 商业地产项目开发流程    4
    2.3 商业地产项目定位的相关概念    6
    2.3.1 商业地产项目定位的定义    6
    2.3.2 商业地产与住宅地产的定位差别    6
    3 商业地产项目定位的前奏--市场调查    7
    3.1 调研程序    7
    3.2 调研内容    8
    3.3 调研方法    8
    4 商业地产开发项目定位的主要内容    9
    4.1 规模定位    9
    4.2 客户定位    9
    4.2.1 客户的概念    10
    4.2.2 客户类型细分及客户价值评价    10
    4.2.3 商业地产项目客户链    10
    4.2.4 客户关系选择    11
    4.3 功能定位    11
    4.3.1 功能定位的概念    11
    4.3.2 现代商业项目五大功能    12
    4.4 形象及档次定位    12
    4.4.1 形象及档次定位的概念    12
    4.4.2 影响因素    12
    4.5 业态定位    13
    4.5.1 业态定位的概念    13
    4.5.2 业态定位的原则    13
    4.5.3 业态定位的策略    13
    4.6 产品定位    14
    4.7 其他定位    15
    4.7.1 项目价值定位    15
    4.7.2 经营模式定位    15
    4.7.3 服务定位    15
    4.7.4 技术定位    15
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