摘 要2005年,湖南卫视的歌唱选秀节目《超级女声》火爆中国荧屏,“粉丝”二字也跟着风行,成为现代娱乐环境中一个极具代表性的符号。粉丝们喜爱某个明星,愿意为偶像大量付出。他们会购买一切与偶像相关的产品,以偶像为中心坐标,消费偶像参演的各种电视剧、电影和广告内容以及其他偶像有关的产品。如今,借助网络等手段,粉丝的消费能力更是得到了释放,粉丝经济也应运而生。
和普通的消费者不同,明星粉丝群体因为喜爱、崇拜甚至狂热地迷恋自己的偶像,所以愿意在经济、时间和情感方面都进行超常的投入;粉丝不是因为有现实需要而被动地消费,相反,他们是积极、主动、创造性地通过消费来支持自己喜爱的偶像明星,从而实现对自我的认同,对自己粉丝身份的证明。 89816
Abstract:In 2005, a singing talent show 《Super Girl》 held by Hu Nan TV station is the most popular show in China, and the word “fans” also being popular。 Fans become a representative symbol in modern entertainment environment。 Fans are willing to give it all away to their idols who they love。 And fans are coordinate with idols, they will buy all products related to idols, the consumption of various TV、films、advertisements and other related products。 Now, with network methods, fans’ consumption capacity is releasing, and the fan economy also arises at the historic moment。
Star fans are different from ordinary consumers, they love and admire their beloved idols, So they are willing to throw their money, time and mood into their idols; The fans are not really need and to consume passively but positively, actively and creatively through consumption to support their favorite idols。 By supporting their idols, they can achieve self-identity, prove they are really fans。
The study aims to analyze the star fans of consumer behavior, mainly using the literature research methods, case analysis methods and survey methods to analyze the consumption of the star fans, the consumption characteristics, the factors which influence consumption and the influence of consumer behavior and some problems。 So we can understand the meaning of star fans’ consuming behavior, and know the fan economy development status。
毕业论文关键词:明星粉丝; 消费行为; 粉丝社群; 粉丝经济
Keyword: star fans; consuming behavior; fan community;fan economy
目 录
1引言 3
1。1选题背景及意义 3
1。3研究内容和研究方法 4
2明星粉丝消费行为现状 4
2。1 粉丝定义 4
2。1。1粉丝来源 4
2。1。2明星粉丝定义 4
2。1。3明星粉丝特征 5
2。2明星粉丝消费行为类型 5
2。2。1粉丝消费与明星有关的所有产品 5
2。2。2粉丝为支持明星产生的一系列消费行为 6