摘 要 随着互联网的迅速发展和经济贸易全球化进程的不断加快,企业的营销环境和消费者行为都发生了巨大的变化,网络营销越来越成为一种新的重要的营销方式。这一新的营销方式极大的完善和补充了传统的营销方式,给现代企业带来了机遇与挑战。90010
Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet economy and trade globalization, marketing environment and the consumer behavior has undergone tremendous changes, network marketing is becoming an important marketing mode。 Through the network marketing, the role of the customer in the entire process of marketing status improved, network interactive features the customer really involved in the whole process of marketing to become possible。 To improve this new way of marketing and greatly complements the traditional marketing mode, brings opportunities and challenges to the modern enterprise。
Chinese catering enterprises because of its broad and profound diet culture and the market foundation, and has become the most active, the most competitive industries。 With the development of economy of the whole society, the continuous improvement of living standards, food and beverage industry competition gradually intensified。 More and more catering enterprises have already realized the importance of network and business and integrated network, the introduction of network marketing strategy, enhance the competitiveness of catering enterprises, make the industry rapid growth。 Food network marketing came into being, the urgent need for the entire industry situation analysis and summary on the problems existing in the enterprise, the development of network marketing strategy, and adjust and control in practice。 The implementation of network marketing strategy
This paper first makes a detailed introduction of the O2O model, then marketing on the current status of China's catering enterprises is discussed, then the current problems in the implementation of O2O in enterprises in China are analyzed, and finally put forward the marketing strategy of the catering enterprises under the background of Internet。
毕业论文关键词: O2O模式;餐饮企业;策略
Key words: O2O model; catering enterprises; strategy
一、O2O模式概述 4
(一)020模式的概念 4
(二)020模式的形式 4
(三)020模式的价值 5
二、我国餐饮行业网络营销特征源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 及发展趋势 6
(一)我国餐饮行业及市场环境概述 6
(二)我国餐饮行业的网络营销现状及问题 6