    Environmental pollution and management research in the construction of new rural areas
    — — a case of Kunshan, Jiangsu
    Abstract:The rural economy in China has developed rapidly and the living standards of the rural people have been improving, but it is hard to ignore that the rural environment is becoming increasingly polluted. Based on the study of Kunshan city environment and governance issues, using the literature research, questionnaire investigation and comparative analysis methods, we get to know the current environmental conditions of Kunshan city.
    Researching the perception of environmental conditions in demonstration village and ordinary villagers, and to analyze the status of work carried out among the model village. Introducing the measures in environmental governance of Kunshan. and the specific measure in Jianghangcun .Then analyzing the problem existing in the Kunshan governance and Jianghangcun. In the end. We put forward the corresponding countermeasures for the concrete situation and the experience of other regions.
    Key words: New rural construction; Environmental pollution; Management; Kunshan, jiangsu
    目  录

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    ABSTRACT    1
    KEY WORDS    1
    引言    1
    一、相关概念和理论    2
    (一)环境保护    2
    (二)环境污染    2
    (三)新农村建设    2
    (四)治理理论    2
    二、调查概况    3
    (一)调查的主要方式    3
    (二)调研地址介绍    3
    三、昆山市环境污染现状    3
    (一)环境空气质量    3
    (二)降水    5
    (三)城市交通道路交通噪声    5
    三、农村环境污染治理的调查分析    5
    (一)普通村和示范村的公众环境感知情况    5
    (二)昆山市在环境污染治理方面的举措    7
    1.提升环境执法监管水平    7
    2.治理环境隐患    7
    3.治理畜禽污染    7
    4.治理黑臭水体    7
    5.治理生活垃圾    8
    四、农村环境污染治理的困境    9
    (一)宣传不到位,群众的参与力度提升    9
    (二)垃圾分类处置问题频发    9
    (三)落后化工产能多    9
    (四)治理投入不足,存在用工难问题。    10
    五、农村环境污染治理的对策建议    10
    (一)加大宣传力度,发挥群众力量    10
    (二)加大检查力度,完善整治机制    10
    (三)减少落后化工产能    10
    (四)因地制宜作出相应的调整    11
    优尔、结语    11
    致谢    11
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