摘要:为分析上海市松江区区域旅游产业结构的优劣,论文以统计数据为基础,利 用偏离-份额分析法,进行实证分析。结果显示,松江区区域旅游产业的半数部 门既属结构性增长部门,其收入增长又具有一定竞争优势,对经济增长具有拉动 作用。住宿服务部门、餐饮服务部门、娱乐服务部门虽对松江区旅游产业经济增 长作出了一定贡献,但或多或少得存在结构和竞争力等方面的问题。实证结果表 明,上海市松江区区域旅游产业结构总体较好,但仍需大力挖掘潜能。依照偏离
-份额分析结果,对各部门发展方向和策略提出建议,并结合推进全域旅游,对 升级区域旅游产业作出设想。
A Shift-share Analysis on Industrial Structure of Regional Tourism of Songjiang District, Shanghai
Abstract:In order to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the regional tourism industry structure in Songjiang District of Shanghai, this paper uses the statistics, and the shift-share analysis method to carry on the empirical analysis. The results show that most of the departments in tourism industry of Songjiang District is structural growth departments, and their income growth have a certain competitive advantage and a stimulating effect on economic growth. Although the catering service department and the entertainment service department have made some contribution to the economic growth of the tourism industry in Songjiang District, the tourism revenue growth rate is slower than that of the corresponding tourism department in Shanghai. The empirical results show that the tourism industry structure of Songjiang District in Shanghai is generally better, but still need to tap the potential. According to the shift-share analysis from the regional tourism industry structure of Songjiang District in Shanghai, the author puts forward some suggestions on the development direction and strategy of each department and puts forward the idea of upgrading the regional tourism industry in combination with promoting the whole tourism industry.
Key words: regional tourism;industrial structure;Shift-share analysis
目 录
0 引言 1
1 区域旅游、区域旅游产业结构内涵分析2
1.1 区域旅游和区域旅游产业结构的内涵„2
1.2 区域旅游产业结构分析的主要方法3
2 偏离-份额理论及数学模型 4
2.1 偏离-份额分析法的基本原理 „4
2.2 偏离-份额数学模型的构建 5
3 上海市松江区区域旅游产业结构的偏离-份额实证分析 6
3.1 区域旅游产业概况 6
3.2 原始数据„8
3.3 偏离-份额分析表 12
3.4 偏离-份额分析图 14
4 偏离-份额结果分析及优化上海市松江区区域旅游产业结构的建议„15
4.1 偏离-份额结果分析 „15
4.2 上海市松江区区域旅游产业结构存在的问题 „16
4.3 优化上海市松江区区域旅游产业结构的建议 „17
结论 „21
致谢 „22
参考文献 „23
0 引言
随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,如今,上海市松江区已经建成一个以山见长、 以水为辅、古今交融、中西合璧的自然人文旅游区,并正逐步成为上海市民新型 生活方式的承载地,旅游集聚效应逐渐显现。因此,摸清旅游产业结构现状,了 解旅游产业动向,及时调整产业内相关部门,对加快转变松江旅游经济发展方式、 提升松江旅游产业整体素质、促进松江旅游业科学发展具有重要指导作用。