    Marketing Tactics of Three Alleys and Seven Lanes
    Abstract:Fujian is one of the economic developed provinces on China’s southeast coast. It is abundant in tourist travel resources. Fuzhou is the capital city of Fujian. It owns a fabulous reputation of “lucky city”. Three alleys and seven lanes are essence of culture of Min capital. It is a history block that assembles history, traditional food and local customs of Min capital. Three alleys and seven lanes are also called “The living fossil of Li Fang system in China” and “ Chinese architect museum of Ming and Qing dynasty”. This paper chooses three alleys and seven lanes as the analyze target. Based on the information gathered by reviewing literature, the on-the-spot investigation and the investigation of tourists, the report analyses the current tourism marketing situation and the problems that need to be solved in the future, and makes a systematic tourism marketing planning. The paper aims at building three alleys and seven lanes into a tourist resort that is an ideal place for tourists to learn about culture of Min capital.
    Key words: Three alleys and seven lanes; Tourist marketing; Planning
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    2
    一、景区简介与策划目标    2
    (一)区位    2
    (二)景区旅游资源与特色    2
    1.名人资源    2
    2.美食资源    2
    3.建筑资源    2
    4.民俗资源    3
    (三)策划目标    3
    1.街区建设目标    3
    2.街区文化旅游营销策划目标    3
    二、景区旅游营销现状及问题    3
    (一)旅游营销现状    3
    (二)存在问题    3
    1.官方平台人气低    3
    2.宣传方式单一    3
    3.宣传范围小    3
    4.宣传片质量不佳    4
    三、三坊七巷历史文化街区旅游营销SWOT分析    4
    (一)优势分析    4
    1.名人优势    4
    2.美食优势    4
    3.交通优势    4
    4.街景优势    4
    5.历史价值优势    4
    (二)劣势分析    4
    1.知名度不高    4
    2.景区基础设施不完善    4
    3.餐饮卫生有待提高    5
    (三)机会分析    5
    1.政府支持    5
    2.市场机会    5
    3.地铁开通,交通便捷    5
    (四)威胁分析    5
    1.竞争激烈    5
    2.游客的需求趋于多样化    5
    四、市场调查与分析    5
    (一)问卷设计与调查实施    5
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