Take Wuchang city rice as an example,Probe into how to promote the construction of regional agricultural product brand
Abstract:The regional brand in the development of regional economy,promoting regional economic development is very obvious advantages.a good regional brand can let all benefit in the area of agricultural products related to the people,but also to enhance the visibility of the region,to enhance the life of local residents a sense of superiority and happiness,reduce the income of urban and rural residents the gap is conducive to the harmonious development of society.There are so many benefits,but to establish a good brand of regional agricultural products is very difficult,time for the development of agricultural industrialization in China is still short,for the study of agricultural regional brand is not enough in-depth,regional brand of agricultural products lack theoretical guidance and lack of clear planning in development.This article will start with the regional brand cycle theory of agricultural products,and take the development of Wuchang rice brand as an example,explore the theoretical and practical problems of regional brand development of agricultural products,and provides some feasible suggestions for the development of regional brand of agricultural products in government.
Key words: Regional agricultural product brand; agricultural industrialization; tragedy of the commons; asymmetric information
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstractt. 1
Key words 1
一、绪论 2
(一)选题的背景与意义 2
(二) 研究目的 2
(三) 研究内容 3
二、文献综述以及相关理论概述 3
(一) 品牌农业的发展研究 3
(二) 地域性农产品品牌概述 4
(三) 农产品品牌生命周期理论概述 4
(四)结论与讨论 5
三、地域性农产品品牌建设的周期特点与存在问题 6
(一)发现期的特点以及矛盾 6
(二) 培育期的特点以及问题 7
(三) 地域性农产品品牌成熟期的特点 8
(四) 怎样做到衰落期的预防 8
四、五常大米地域性农产品品牌基本情况 9
(一) 五常大米的基本情况介绍 9
(二) 五常大米品牌的历史与成就 9
(三) 原产地的农民的收入状况 9
五、五常大米品牌建设的发展周期状况 10
(一) 前期:发现期 10
(二)中期:培育期 11
(三) 衰落期的防止措施 12
优尔、总结与政策建议 13
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