    The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the Career Development of The New Generation Migrant Workers Take the Yangtze River Delta as an example
    Abstract:Over the past decade, the topic of migrant workers has been repeatedly mentioned. Up to the government report, down to the daily discussion after dinner, migrant workers problem is always a can not be ignored and can not avoid the problem. As a social and economic development of the promoters, the new generation of migrant workers are also facing some difficulties. They contribute to the development of this country at the same time they can not enjoy the development of the national economy brought about by the pidend, this problem will eventually ignite the contradictions of the stars of the fire.
    This paper mainly through the selection of several typical urban migrant workers to carry out questionnaires and visit the survey, To understand their career development and its influencing factors, analyze the problems, and finally put forward feasible solutions. Through the study we found that the new generation of migrant workers for Career development is still relatively unfamiliar, training will not be particularly strong. The Education background, working environment and social guidance are the main factors that affect the career development of the new generation of migrant workers. There is a need for coordination and effort in improving their existing working conditions.
    Key words: the new generation of migrant workers;career development;training;ability to work
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    ABSTRACT    1
    KEY WORDS    1
    一、绪论    2
    (一)问题的提出    2
    1.研究背景    2
    2.研究问题    2
    3. 概念界定    2
    (1)新生代农民工    2
    (2)职业技能培训    2
    (二)研究目标与意义    2
    1. 研究目标    2
    2. 研究意义    2
    (三)研究内容与框架    3
    1. 研究内容    3
    2. 研究框架    3
    (四)数据与方法    3
    1. 数据来源    3
    2. 研究方法    4
    二、文献综述    4
    (一)理论基础    4
    1.人力资本理论    4
    (二)职业技能培训    4
    1.国内外关于职业技能培训的研究    4
    2.新生代农民工职业技能培训中存在的问题    4
    三、新生代农民工职业发展现状调查分析    5
    (一)新生代农民工的职业现状    5
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