    Research Status History Street Shanghai Ferguson Lane
    Abstract: Taking Shanghai as the main object of study Ferguson Lane, historical development, human elements Wukang way to do a more systematic sort of information, combined with data, focusing on the current situation and development Wukang road block protection for related research, from road building to explore Wukang heritage, cultural heritage, business development of these three elements to start, reflecting the more complete protection Wukang road construction, there is a certain cultural heritage force, commercial activities of the current characteristics of various forms. On this basis, the paper describes the current situation Wukang Road summarized Wukang road management planning and protection policy, and then analyze the problems in the current situation and propose appropriate countermeasures. Finally, their own thinking: Wukang road delicate because bourgeois life pursuit; Wukang way affect the cultural significance of modern life. By considering these two issues, reflecting the distinctive cultural features Wukang way, the importance of culture.
    Keywords: Shanghai Ferguson Lane;Building Remains;Protection plan;Cultural heritage
    目  录
    一、 绪论    1
    (一)研究背景和意义    1
    (二)研究现状    2
    (三)研究方法    2
    二、 武康路发展概况与人文历史    5
    (一) 武康路发展概况    5
    (二) 武康路人文历史    6
    三、武康路文化街区的保护与发展的现状    11
    (一)武康路的建筑遗存    11
    (二)文化传承    15
    (三) 武康路的商业发展    16
    四、 武康路现状的理论思考    20
    (一) 管理规划与保护策略    20
    (二) 现状存在的问题及相关对策    21
    (三) 思考    23
    结语    25
    参考文献    26
    (一) 研究背景和意义
    武康路位于上海市徐汇区,原名福开森路(Route Ferguson),以辟路者美国传教士约翰•福开森的名字命名。由上海法租界公董局修筑于1907年(光绪三十三年),1943年改名为武康路。
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