    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  The present situation and development prospect analysis of cross-strait economic and trade cooperation
    With the development of global and regional economic integration, the political, economic and cultural cross-strait exchanges have been deepened. And the connections on both sides become close increasingly. The economic and trade cross-strait cooperation, as the breakthrough point and one of the most important forms for the development of cross-strait communications, plays an important role in promoting cross-strait relations in the future. Taking high-tech industry and service industry as examples, this paper summarizes the present situation of cross-strait economic and trade cooperation and analyzes the obstacles and problems existing in the cross-strait economic and trade cooperation, based on the current international economic environment. After the above analysis, this paper finds out the opportunities that exist in the cross-strait economic and trade cooperation. In the meantime, this paper briefly analyzes and forecasts the development trend and potentials of cross-strait economic and trade cooperation. The corresponding suggestions towards different parties in the cross-strait economic and trade cooperation are also provided in this paper.
    Keywords: cross-strait, economic and trade cooperation, ECFA, barrier, tourism.
    1.绪论    1
    1.1.选题背景及意义    1
    1.2.文献回顾    1
    1.3.研究方法、思路及研究框架    2
    2.海峡两岸经贸合作相关基本理论综述    4
    2.1.国际投资理论    4
    2.2.生产要素禀赋理论    4
    2.3.区域经济一体化理论    4
    3.海峡两岸经贸合作的发展历程回顾    6
    3.1.1979-1995,起步与发展    6
    3.2.1996-2000,发展受阻    7
    3.3.2001后,新环境新发展    7
    4.海峡两岸经贸合作新环境及现状分析    11
    4.1.海峡两岸经贸合作的新环境    11
    4.2.两岸经贸合作现状    12
    5.海峡两岸经贸合作存在的障碍和机遇    17
    5.1.海峡两岸经贸合作存在的主要障碍    17
    5.2.海峡两岸经贸合作中存在的机遇    20
    6.海峡两岸经贸合作走向、潜力分析及建议    22
    6.1.海峡两岸经贸合作走向    22
    6.2.海峡两岸经贸合作潜力分析    23
    6.3.加强海峡两岸经贸合作的建议    24
    结论    26
    致谢    27
    参考文献:    28
    表2-1:区域经济一体化组织形式    5
    表3-1:1979-1995年两岸相关政策出台    6
    表3-2:ECFA签订后至2013年两岸的贸易创造效应    9
    表4-1:台湾当局批准台商对大陆服务业投资统计    13
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