The results showed that , as evaluated in the following types of business processes , it is indeed there is a big security risk, cosmetics manufacturers in the raw materials used , alcohols, alkanes , ethers, higher proportion of wax category accounted for require large batch production enterprises , a single production process far more than the amount used in the provisions of safety indicators , ICI Mongolia, Germany and France , respectively, with the DOW Dow in after the initial , post- evaluation system , according to the safety factor used for the initial the evaluation results are modified to achieve the effect of reducing the system risk . Secondly , combined with a qualitative safety evaluation, corrective measures will be implemented to the small office , specifically targeted to a cell in a point ( eg : feeding valve , liquid tank, etc. ) , thus combining qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the benefits is that the results are more comprehensive and persuasive , for the more hazardous substances in the process unit system , I used two methods is that two kinds of methods are given for quantitative calculations, the data obtained with a given level of a certain range of data sheets comparison, You can get: even with different quantitative methods to calculate , but the end result , obtained through lookup risk indicators are the same. Qualitative evaluation methods are each small term is more flexible, companies can be updated at any time to inspect , to truly implement the security every step of the process unit , thereby improving the efficiency of enterprise security , reduce the accident rate .
Keywords: cosmetics companies, qualitative analysis;quantitative analysis , Mongolia, Germany and France , said of the method, process type
1 绪论 1
1.1 我国安全生产现状 1
1.2 我国化妆品企业安全事故案例及分析 1
1.2.1 案例概述 1
1.2.2 案例分析与思考 2
1.3 国外安全生产状况 3
1.4 国外化妆品企业安全事故案例分析与思考 4
1.4.1 案例概述 4
1.4.2 案例分析与思考 4
1.5 课题研究意义及内容 5
1.5.1课题研究意义 5
1.5.2 课题研究内容 5
2 浦东新区典型化妆品生产企业的安全评价方法选择及分析 6
2.1 水状类化妆品生产企业---ICI&PHA&SCA 6
2.1.1 工艺概述 6
2.1.2 待评价物质基本参数:混料槽----1,2-丙二醇 6
2.2 乳化剂工艺型化妆品生产企业---DOW&ETA&SCA 7
2.2.1 工艺概述: 7
2.2.2 待评价单元/物质:压滤车间----1,3-丁二醇 7
2.3 发用类化妆品生产企业--- ICI&HAZOP&SCA 8
2.3.1 工艺概述 8
2.3.2 待评价单元/物质:冷却----异丙醇 8
2.4 美容类化妆品生产企业------- DOW&故障假设分析&SCA 9
2.4.1 工艺概述 9
2.4.2 待评价单元/物质:压滤----蜂蜡 9
2.5 气溶胶类化妆品生产企业---PHA&DOW&ICI&SCA 9
2.5.1 工艺概述 9
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