    毕业论文关键词: 建筑安全;层次分析法;模糊评价法;事故树
    The safety risk analysis and countermeasure research for a construction site
    Abstract: the construction industry is the high-risk industry, the safety production status has been the attention of the community. With the rapid development of economic construction, the construction industry is leaps and bounds. In the last few years, the building safety accidents happen frequently, and it is the rising trend. In this paper, the use of fuzzy evaluation method and fault tree analysis for a building construction site in Shanghai. Identified building construction safety evaluation index system, based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the evaluation model, and building construction safety classification is proposed, and the application of the model to the construction site of the actual evaluation. And with fault tree analysis method for construction site in the common damage types for computer-aided analysis, according to the analysis results and existing problems proposed some feasible countermeasures, have a guiding role for safety production of construction.
    KeyWords : construction  safety;AHP;fuzzy  comprehensive  evaluation;FTA  
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1 风险评估的研究现状    2
    1.2.2 对建筑安全管理体系的研究    5
    1.3本论文的研究内容    6
    2 建筑施工风险管理概述    7
    2.1 风险的概念    7
    2.1.1风险的定义    7
    2.1.2 建筑工程中风险的定义    7
    2.1.3 建筑工程项目中风险的特点    7
    2.2 风险识别与分析    8
    2.2.1风险识别方法    8
    2.2.2 风险分析的方法    10
    2.2.3 建筑项目风险管理的过程    10
    3 建筑施工项目危险源辨识    11
    3.1 建筑施工项目工程概况    11
    3.2 施工现场危险源识别    11
    4 “三所合一”项目模糊综合评价    14
    4.1 模糊的概念    14
    4.2 模糊评价的数学基础    14
    4.2.1 模糊集合与隶属函数    15
    4.2.2 模糊集的表示方法    15
    4.3 模糊综合评价法在三所合一项目中的应用    17
    4.3.1 管理程序u1指标参数计算    18
    4.3.2 文明施工u2指标参数计算    20
    4.3.3 脚手架u3指标参数计算    21
    4.3.4 高处作业u4指标参数计算    21
    4.3.5 施工用电u5指标参数计算    22
    4.3.6 动火作业u6指标参数计算    23
    4.3.7 起重吊装u7指标参数计算    23
    4.3.8 物料提升机u8指标参数计算    24
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