    Abstract: With the continuous development of network technology, computer technology, different day of new month, the rapid development of China's Internet gradually up into the theme of persity, competition of the modern market situation. The emergence of e-commerce to producers bring new sales model, but also broke the traditional consumer shopping patterns. It is the producers, middlemen and consumers link up, breaking the boundaries of time and space and the shackles of traditional channels, providing a platform for buyers and sellers to trade in a virtual platform to achieve, shortening the distance between the two, enables manufacturers to directly to the terminal distributors and end-consumer sales of goods, but also for enterprises to reduce inventory and cost of sales, so that inventory management possible.
    By studying problems and issues SWOT method to analyze the problems in the development of Heng Yuan Xiang, advantages and disadvantages as well as opportunities and threats presented online marketing and traditional marketing whether inclusion, mutual promotion and mutual development, as well as improve the organizational structure and personnel resource management to proceed, according to the status and development of the company's own situation, to develop a reasonable strategy, and to provide protection of the measures taken to achieve the strategy, enables the company to open up a path for the company's continuous development in the fierce market competition.
    Key words:Heng Yuan Xiang;Internet ;Strategy
    一、绪论    6
    (一)研究背景及意义    6
    (二)文献综述    6
    二、互联网内容的发展现状国内外对比    7
    (一)我国互联网内容市场的发展现状    7
    (二)互联网发展现状的国内外对比    8
    三、恒源祥概述    9
    (一)恒源祥公司简介    9
    (二)恒源祥组织结构    9
    (三)恒源祥现行战略    10
    四、恒源祥发展战略规划和选择    11
    (一)SWOT分析    11
    (二)多元经营战略    15
    五、恒源祥发展战略实施    15
    (一)恒源祥战略实施控制    15
    (二)恒源祥营销策略    16
    (三)与营销策略相适应的组织结构计划    19
    总结    20
    参考文献    21致谢    22
    如今,以互联网为代表的现代化信息技术,尤其是引动支付、社交网络、搜索引擎等,创新了社会服务模式,给市场带来了一定的影响。互联网的特点是信息透明、公平、自由等,在互联网环境下,参与人员可利用互联网多种金融交易,将一些复杂交易进行简化;信息处理及风险评估利用互联网,可以很大程度的减少市场信息不对称。互联网能够帮助许多小客户解决挑选及融资问题,带动民间金融的透明化、科学化、合理化。可以预见,新模式中,市场参与人员更加大众化,将激活更多的市场所需,提升金融服务的普遍性。挑战和机遇常常同在,互联网在对传统纺织行业的商业模式、运营机制及经营管理等方面提出新需求的同时,为传统纺织业的业务经营带来了渠道扩展、商品创新、系统升级、部门改造等方面的机遇,例如,互联网在产生庞大商业机遇的同时,也在慢慢削弱公司的中介垄断地位及传统的竞争优势,吞噬公司的融资市场。[ ]面对机会与挑战,公司的必须要大胆改革,及时适应新的金融竞争局面。
  1. 上一篇:建筑基础工程施工现场安全管理问题分析及对策研究
  2. 下一篇:互联网下公司发展战略文献综述和参考文献
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