


    Small to Medium Sized Enterprises and Counter Measures of Problems Existing in Motivation Mechanism

     Abstract:In modern enterprises, more and more workers, employees and the general LaoDongXing employees, employees have more career pursuit and self value realization. Therefore, how to work for preparing employees motivation has always been our country's small and medium-sized enterprises to explore an important subject, In the employee's salary incentive, also have salary incentive object bias mainly in elite talents, Salary incentive confined to inpidual departments, the lack of a reasonable evaluation mechanism, the salary incentive is excessive, the negative aspects of compensation incentive, to solve these problems, for our country small and medium-sized enterprises for the employee's salary incentive compensation incentive not confined to the elite staff, salary incentive to expand to the departments, moderate to grasp the salary incentive, negative salary incentive mechanism should be moderate, etc strategy recommendations.

    Key Words:The Knowledge Staff; The Assessment Mechanism; Negative Incentives

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、员工及薪酬激励的相关概述 2

    (一)员工概述 2

    (二)薪酬激励的概念 2

    (三)员工薪酬激励的重要性 3

    二、中小企业员工薪酬激励中存在的不足 4

    (一)薪酬激励对象偏向于精英人才 4

    (二)薪酬激励局限于个别部门 4

    (三)缺乏合理的考核机制 5

    (四)薪酬激励过度 6

    (五)负面的薪酬激励 6

    三、中小企业员工薪酬激励制度的优化策略 7

    (一)薪酬激励不能局限于精英员工 7

    (二)薪酬激励扩大到各部门中 7

    (三)制定合理的绩效考核制度 8

    (四)适度把握薪酬激励 9

    (五)负面薪酬激励机制应适量 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12





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