


    The Research on Development of Mountain Tourism——A Case Study in WanFengLin of XingYi Scenic Area

    Abstract With the accelerating process of urbanization, there are a series of problems in the city. Such as the intense competition, the stressful working, the noise environment, and the poor air quality and so on. Because of this, people tend to return to the nature and pay attention to their health and so on. The mountain tourism has been favored by citizen, it will be developed in front of the new opportunities. Innovative tourism products, improve the product structure is the problem of XingYi mountain tourism development and it must to be solved. This thesis takes the WanFengLin scenic area as the research object. From the concept of mountain tourism and tourism products, the thesis takes the theory of tourism product development as the duidance and puts forward the development strategy of tourism products. It has a agreat significance in creating a mountain tourism brand in the region, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry, and bringing economic development.

    Key Words: The WanFengLin scenic area;  The mountain tourism product;Development strategy

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    一、引言 1

    二、国内外研究现状 1

    三、山地旅游产品开发基础理论 2

    (一)相关概念界定 2

    (二)相关理论 3

    四、万峰林景区旅游产品开发条件分析 3

    (一)地理区位条件 3

    (二)资源环境条件 4

    (三)历史人文背景 4

    (四)社会经济发展条件 4

    五、万峰林景区旅游产品开发中存在的问题 5

    (一)产品结构单一、配套设施不完善 5

    (二)宣传促销力度不够、针对性不强 5

    (三)产品缺乏特色 5

    (四)产品整合力度不够 6

    (五)产品缺乏创新,开发过程受生态脆弱性限制 6

    (六)旅游产品开发与当地民众利益矛盾难以调和 6

    六、万峰林景区旅游产品开发策略 7

    (一)产品开发对策 7

    (二)产品开发具体方案 8

    (三)旅游产品开发类型 8


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