    毕业论文关键词:农村信用体系; 公共联合征信系统; 信用信息查询系统
    In the construction of rural credit system, Yunfu sticking to the mode of "government guidance and market operation", to build a credit union system in- volved in the city and the county and departments, established a non-bank credi t information system of the Stone enterprises and farmers initially. However, the local rural credit system is not perfect now,such reality has hindered its healthy development. By the Yunfu credit net,collecting a large of personal information effectively.After the full understanding of the construction of credit system about the rural areas and small and medium- sized enterprises based on the present situation,summed up the basic practices and experiences from the local construction of rural credit system.To explore the main problems existing in the construction of local rural credit system is a long-term mechanism of the  system has not yet formed,leading the participation of all parties concerned is inactive.This paper will connect with the realistic situation,and then put forward suggestions to improve the local rural credit system: first, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties involved in; secondly, improve the construction of public joint credit system,and complete the design of the industrialization of agriculture leading enterprises credit evaluation index system; and finally, improve rural financial organization system.
    Key words:The rural credit system; Public joint credit system; Credit  information system
     目    录
    摘    要.Ⅰ
    Abstract .Ⅱ
    (一)云浮市农村信用体系建设的主要做法 1
    (二)云浮市农村信用体系建设的主要成效 3
    二、云浮市农村信用体系建设实践中存在的问题 6
    (一)农村信用体系建设缺乏长效机制,各方参与积极性不高 6
    (二)公共联合征信系统有待完善 7
    (三)实施信用评价标准建设的行业范围尚窄 7
    (四)农村金融组织体系不完善 8
    三、完善农村信用体系建设的建议 9
    (一)建立长效机制,充分调动各方参与农村信用体系建设的积极性. .9
    (二)进一步放开公共联合征信系统平台,实现信享. 10
    (三)加快建设农业产业化龙头企业的信用评价指标体系. 11
    (四)完善农村金融组织体系,充分发挥各类金融机构服务“三农”的作用. 11
    参考文献. 13
    致    谢.14
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