
    摘 要工会是现代社会中经济矛盾的产物,是工人阶级最广泛的群众组织。工会虽然产生于资本主义社会,但在社会主义社会里,工会仍然有其存在的阶级基础和社会基础。在我国社会主义市场经济体制的发育过程中,政治系统的权力下放,管理重心下移,“单位制”管理模式正逐步向“社区制”管理模式变迁,城市社区职能不断拓展,社区管理的重要性日趋凸现,社区环境发生重大变化,因而社区工会的结构、职能和运行等也面临着新的变化和改善,需要我们有全新的理解和把握。本文以沈阳市紫荆花社区工会为例,通过对社区工会人员与社区居民进行访谈和实地调研,了解沈阳市紫荆花社区工会的历史与现状的同时,分析其进一步发展所面临的问题,并据此提出相应的完善对策。46658

    毕业论文关键词:沈阳市 ;社区工会;对策;

    Status and Countermeasures on Shenyang Redbud Community Union 


    The trade union is the product of economic contradictions in modem society and it is the intensive mass organization of the working class.Although the trade union originated from capitalist society,it still has its own existing base of class and society in socialist society.During the growing course of our system of socialist market economy,the transferring power to a low level of political system and management focus,the gradually management model changing from”Unit System’’to”Community System”,the enlarging function of city community,the greater importance of comrounity management and the greatly changing of commnnity environment make the new change of rote.function and mechanism of community trade union.And the latter need us to understand and grasp from a completely different view.The thesis takes the example of the street community trade union of Redbud Community in Shenyang city in order to do some research .By interviewing and investigating the members in the community .I learn the history and the state quo of the community union thereby understanding the problems in order to summarize the ways to solve the issues.

           Key words: Community Union; Status; Countermeasures  


    0 引言:研究背景及研究意义 1

    1社区工会理论综述 2

    1.1社区工会的概念 2

    1.2社区工会的职能 3

    1.3国内外研究现状 4

    2沈阳市紫荆花社区工会建设现状 6

    2.1 沈阳市紫荆花社区工会简介 6

    2.2紫荆花社区工会组织形式 7

    2.3紫荆花社区工会会员组成 8

    2.4紫荆花社区工会制度和基础建设 9

    2.5紫荆花社区工会工会职能 9

    3沈阳市紫荆花社区工会存在的问题 9

    3.1全国社区工会存在的通病 10

    3.2沈阳市紫荆花社区工会存在的其他问题 10

    4 沈阳市紫荆花社区工会完善的对策 13

    4.1规范社区工会人事制度 13

    4.2 规范社区工会基础建设 15

    4.3增强社区工会的吸引力和凝聚力 15


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