

    Abstract  :The rapid development of border express in Yunnan border, has become the pursuit of fashion and border residents is an important way to meet the shopping needs. The birth of the border to border express logistics industry and cross-border e-commerce provides a new business channel. At present, the province border Express has just started in the field, research on the Sino Burmese border express in the exploratory stage. This paper analyses the development of border crossings of subjective factors and objective factors express, and based on the theory and practice research methods, selected from the perspective of entrepreneurs in Burma guogan SF express as an example, the effectiveness of its guogan in the development of a large price gap, slow, slow aging, the low level of information, lack of policy support as the research content. Put forward to enhance the quality of the staff, improve the management mechanism, increase the capital accumulation, accelerate the construction of information web site. Can help the border express reform, and promote the healthy development of border express

    毕业论文关键词:边境快递; 口岸; 顺丰

    Keyword:  Border express; port; SF

    目    录

       1. 绪论 3

    1.1 研究背景和意义 3

    1.2研究内容和目的 4

    1.3 本文的创新点 4

    1.4  研究方法 5

        2.   文献综述 5

    2.1  国外研究 5

    2.2  国内研究 5

    2.3  研究中的发展趋势 6

        3. 云南中缅口岸边境快递现状 6

    3.1中缅边境口岸边境快递发展的背景 6

    3.2中缅口岸边境快递发展环境 7

        4.  中缅口岸边境快递业发展现状 8

    4.1边境快递与国内快递的区别 8

    4.2 边境快递的经营时间和业务 8

    4.3 包裹量和盈利状况 9

        5.  中缅口岸边境快递业的运转方式 10

    5.1 运作流程 10

    5.2边境快递的运作流程 11

        6 案例分析—缅甸果敢顺丰 11

    6.1 果敢顺丰产生的背景和定位 11

    6.2 果敢顺丰的业务现状和盈利模式 12

        7. 发展中存在的问题

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