

    Women as the biggest consumption group in online shopping, with the improvement of women's social status and consumption level, their demand for clothing gradually focus on price to the brand. This topic main research brand women's clothing online shopping consumer psychology and behavior, through the theoretical and empirical analysis, questionnaire as the main entrance, from the factors of quality, brand, price, etc, combined with the theoretical model and consumer behavior, such as women's shopping psychology to study the knowledge analysis, to analyze the consumer psychology and behavior of the corresponding characteristics and laws, for the enterprise operators set up online sales, online operation and branding marketing strategy to provide the reference and make it better to grasp the tendency of the buyer, to better improve the brand loyalty, to improve enterprise efficiency.

     毕业论文关键词:品牌女装; 网购; 女性; 消费者心理与行为

    Keyword: brand women's clothing; online shopping; women; consumer psychology and behavior  

    目    录

    1.引言 4

    1.1研究背景及意义 4

    1.2研究内容 4

    1.3本文创新点 5

    2.文献综述 5

    2.1国内外相关研究 5

    2.2研究存在的问题 6

    3.电子商务环境下品牌女装概况 6

    3.1我国品牌女装的现状 6

    3.2我国女装网购消费的市场状况 7

    3.3品牌女装网购消费的发展动态 8

    4.品牌女装网购消费心理与行为理论分析 9

    4.1网络环境下消费者心理和行为特征 9

    4.2现代女性消费心理与行为特点 10

    4.3品牌女装网购女性心理与行为的特点 11

    5.品牌女装网购消费心理与行为实证分析 12

    5.1问卷调查基本分析 12

    5.2调查数据交叉分析 16

    5.3问卷调查结论 19

    6.建议与策略 20

    6.1满足需求,以女性为中心 20

    6.2完善线上服务, 提高满意度 20

    6.3打造品牌形象, 推出品质女装 21

    参考文献 22

    致谢 23

    附录: 24


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