


    Abstract:Professional social work education in our country is developing rapidly, but the contrast is very few social work graduates choose to engage in job. At the same time it still has some problems, such as low social awareness, professional brain drain is serious. On the basis of combining with previous research, this paper USES the method of combining quantitative and qualitative research on Shanghai college students who major in social work questionnaire and depth interview, through the analysis of the data of Shanghai university social work professional knowledge of social work graduates whether or not engaged in the work of social workers are not significant. Here said significant professional knowledge in the workplace is difficult to operate. This paper argues that social work professionalization process ahead of social work professionalization is a professional social work graduates in not the main reason for the work of social workers. Low social awareness, lack of government support, low salary, bonus promotion mechanism imperfect, the lack of professional education and professional development is the impact of social work professional undergraduate career orientation and career development of core essential factor. Students should learn how to apply the knowledge of professional social work courses in their career.

    Keywords : Social work、Professional knowledge、Graduates、Career orientation、Career development

    目  录

    一、 问题提出 8

    二、 研究方法 10

    (一) 文献 10

    (二) 问卷调查法 10

    (三) 深入访谈法 11

    三、 研究回顾与评述 9

    (一) 研究回顾 9

    (二) 社会工作专业的社会认同度低 9

    (三) 样本情况 错误!未定义书签。

    四、 社工毕业非社工职业学生的工作状况与职场效能 12

    (一) 就业的收入水平不理想 12

    (二) 毕业生就业主要去向 12

    (三) 非社工职业工作压力大 12

    五、 社工毕业非社工职业学生的职业预期与困惑 14

    (一) 5.1专业知识在就业道路上的帮助不大 14

    (二) 学生对“社会工作职业”就业前景的看法复杂

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