

    With the Chinese e-commerce market competition gradually stabilized, Alibaba further consolidate the status of the domestic electricity supplier giant Taobao, Alibaba, Tmall go hand in hand, businesses in the electronic business platform serving the advertising costs increasing; at the same time ,there is a huge women's cosmetics market and has huge potential for development. The main research topics Alibaba Diamond status booths advertising platform to drill development platform based on the collection on this platform to promote the network's Beauty category related data (industry category reserve price, the premium, the amount of sales, delivery range etc.), on the other han ,by way of a questionnaire from the daily average consumer acceptance of advertising messages subjective poinion, combined with marketing, consumer behavior, knowledge, research beauty exhibition drill the impact of advertising on consumer purchases, from analysis of relevant factors, identify ways to improve consumer acceptance of advertising methods, provide a reference for businesses, to help users chose the propensity to buy, improve advertising effectiveness.


    Keywords: Diamond booth; cosmetics online shopping; delivery strategy

    1.引言 3

    1.1研究背景 3

    1.2.国内研究的不足 5

    1.3.选题意义 5

    1.4.研究内容 6

    1.5.拟解决的主要问题 6

    1.6.研究方法 7

    2.钻石展位美妆类目现状及钻展效果影响因素分析 7

    2.1.钻石展位广告投放平台的运作模式及盈利方法 7

    2.1.1钻石展位广告平台概况 8

    2.1.2.产品与服务 8

    2.1.3.平台盈利模式 8

    2.1.4.经营模式 8

    2.2.化妆品行业钻石展位广告投放的特性 9

    3.钻展平台广告数据分析 9

    3.1.实际操作及数据记录 10

    3.1.1.钻展投放流程 11

    3.1.2.实验数据: 13

    3.2.钻展数据分析 14

    3.3.问卷调查 15

    3.3.1.样本说明 15

    3.3.2.被调查者个人基础信息分析 15

    (1)按年龄区分 15

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