



    Competition Strategy Research of Zhou Black Duck 

    Abstract: With the rapid development of social economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, people's consumption level increases and the change of their conception. Especially the impact of food safety in food industry in recent years, people is higher and higher requirement for the food quality. And braised food products in the market competition is more and more fierce, Zhou Black Duck to make consumers choose in so many competitors, it will have to improve their competitiveness, establish competitive strategy for the enterprise itself, and the center of the competitive strategy content is looking for in a particular industry or market to build competitive advantage. The so-called competitive advantage, is refers to the enterprise has a rival or relative lack of special ability, in order to more effective and more economical, more quickly to provide customers with products and services as needed.

    This article first to Zhou Black Duck internal and external environmental analysis, find out its existing marketing strategy and the existing problems, combining Zhou Black Duck SWOT analysis, put forward 4 p marketing strategy; New product development and O2O marketing strategy; Improve the network marketing, 

    improve brand awareness; Perfect management system, pay attention to personnel training four Suggestions for improvement. 

    Key words: Zhou Black Duck; Competition; Strategy

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、周黑鸭的内外部环境分析 2

    (一)周黑鸭的外部环境分析 2

    (二)周黑鸭的内部环境分析 3

    二、周黑鸭现有竞争策略分析 6

    (一)周黑鸭的现有竞争策略 6

    (二)周黑鸭现有竞争策略存在的问题 7

    三、周黑鸭的竞争现状SWOT分析 8

    (一)SWOT分析 8

    (二)SWOT分析矩阵 10

    四、周黑鸭竞争策略改进建议 11

    (一)建立4P营销策略 11

    (二)新产品开发和O2O营销策略 12

    (三)完善网络营销,提高品牌知名度 13

    (四)完善管理制度,重视人才培养 13


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