


    Analysis on Green Marketing Strategy of Watermelon in Taikang

    Abstract:Advocating healthy pollution-free agricultural products as a kind of food, so marketing demand of agricultural products in the form of green marketing. agricultural products to environmental protection green production, green marketing to adopt green marketing, the green flag, develop green culture, Taikang watermelon is put forward in this paper that exist in the green marketing is not set up green watermelon marketing concept, the lack of a special green marketing logistics system, not fully take advantage of information age, lack of green marketing process cooperation between from production to marketing.to solve these problems, green marketing of Taikang watermelon as SWOT analysis, Taikang region and watermelon green marketing to set up the watermelon industry the concept of green marketing, improve the logistics system construction, give full play to the advantages of e-commerce and improve efficiency of production and marketing strategy.

    Key Words:Green brand; Logistics; Marketing efficiency

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、绿色营销概述 2

    (一)农产品绿色营销概念 2

    (二)农产品绿色营销的特点 2

    二、太康地区西瓜绿色营销的现状分析 4

    (一)太康地区西瓜产业的发展概况 4

    (二)太康地区西瓜绿色营销的现状 4

    三、太康地区西瓜绿色营销中存在的问题 5

    (一)未树立绿色西瓜营销的理念 5

    (二)缺乏专项的绿色营销物流体系 6

    (三)未充分利用信息化时代优势 7

    (四)缺乏从生产到营销之间的绿色营销流程合作 8

    四、太康地区西瓜绿色营销的SWOT分析 8

    (一)优势分析 8

    (二)劣势分析 9

    (三)机遇分析 9

    (四)威胁分析 10

    五、太康地区西瓜绿色营销的策略 10

    (一)太康政府推动树立西瓜绿色营销的理念 11

    (二)太康物流业要完善物流体系建设 11

    (三)太康西瓜合作社应充分发挥电子商务优势 12

    (四)太康西瓜产业要提升产销效率 13


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