Relocation for residents of the city life-a case study of Shanghai Disneyland Resort
Abstract: With the expansion of China's urban reconstruction, more and more residents were involved. The disputes brought by the urban house demolition dispute have become important factors that influence social harmony and stability in recent years, such as petitions, judicial proceedings, and so on. Urban housing demolition has become a very important factor of urban residents and social stability. In this paper, I learn about the change of residents' lives before and after the demolition through the sampling survey and interviews, such as natural ease of life, safety, surrounding settlements and the human environment, ease of travel, as well as changes in living conditions, etc. In order to assess the impact on the life of the city was demolished resettlers.
Key words: residents; reconstruction of urban house demolition; life impacts
一、绪论 1
(一)研究缘起 1
(二)文献综述 1
1、国外的相关文献 1
2、国内的相关文献 2
(三)研究构思 3
1、研究意义与目标 3
2、概念界定 3
3、研究方法 3
二、被拆迁居民的问卷调查 4
(一)迪士尼项目拆迁居民的数据与分析 4
1、 基本信息 4
2、 拆迁居民对此次拆迁的综合评价 7
3、 对拆迁前后具体生活变化的评价 9
4、 拆迁前后的人际交往变化 13
(二)拆迁居民生活影响的调查结论与分析 16
1、拆迁居民对此次拆迁的态度整体积极正面 16
2、拆迁居民对拆迁后的生活满意度较高 16
3、拆迁前后的人际交往差异较大 17
三、拆迁居民的访谈情况 17
(一)拆迁居民的的访谈情况一 17
1、访谈对象基本情况概述 17
2、访谈记录(截取部分谈话记录) 17
(二)拆迁居民的访谈情况二 18