


    Wulan group research on enterprise culture construction's difficulty and way out

      Abstract: As a modern enterprise, the enterprise culture construction to an enterprise plays a vital role, is the foundation of an enterprise, but also a source of enterprise's development. Enterprise culture of core is enterprise of business concept and enterprise employees of thought consciousness, Wulan group currently on enterprise culture of awareness more shallow, form, lack human management, no put employees personal target and enterprise target effective of fusion, enterprise spirit lack innovation, paper integrated theory, and combined practice experience, on group exists of problem for briefly analysis and research, proposed has targeted measures, to clear understanding enterprise culture of connotation, concern employees of career career, to do wide strict has degrees, combined with their own situation, building corporate culture with its own characteristics. 

    Key words: corporate culture; trouble way out

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、引言 2

    (一)相关概念及研究意义 2

    (二)研究意义 2

    二、乌兰集团企业文化建设的现状 3

    (一)乌兰集团基本情况 3

    (二)乌兰集团企业文化建设基本情况 4

    三、乌兰集团企业文化建设的困境 7

    (一)注重表象,忽视内涵 7

    (二)注重保障,忽视需求 7

    (三)注重规则,忽视感化 8

    (四)注重共性,忽视个性 8

    四、乌兰集团企业文化建设的出路 9

    (一)实现表层到理念文化的蜕变 9

    (二)实现个人到集体文化的凝聚 9

    (三)实现刻板到家庭文化的跨越 10

    (四)实现共性到个性文化的转变 10

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13





    企业文化代表着一个企业的风格,是员工行为方式的向导,是一个企业核心理念、价值观的凝聚,是企业长期生产、经营、建设过程中形成的管理思想、方式、理念、群体意识以及与之相适应的思维方式及行为规范的总和 。企业文化从本质上看似是产生于企业中的文化现象,实则处处于企业管理的理念及实践相关联,是一个企业的灵魂。我国学者李长麟提出企业文化由表及里应该分为四个层面,分别为物质层、行为层、制度层、理念层(也称精神层)  。

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