- 上一篇:APP产业现状与发展趋势研究
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本课题是以世界500强企业赢创德固赛特种化学(上海)有限公司的CS工厂为研究课题,(备注:CS化工厂即Consumer Specialty Chemicals,消费特种化学品工厂),对工厂进行实地调查,从而进行进一步地深度研究,分别从工厂的地理位置、作业环境、生产工艺流程、工艺设施设备对其进行生产工艺危险有害因素辨识,再采用可拓学物元模型方法、主成分分析方法对CS工厂进行定性定量评价分析。其中可拓学分析方法是建立在对数据统计分析的基础上,所得的结果是相对客观的、比较全面的。另外主成分分析方法的主要优点在于全面、准确、客观的对某工艺过程、事件进行安全评价。具有一定的可信度,也能使企业安全人员,从根源上对生产过程中存在危险的工艺过程进行危险源控制,确保生产过程的安全性、可靠性。最后根据安全评价结果对该化工企业存在的安全隐患提出建议和优化措施。50496
Process safety analysis and optimization of CS plant
Abstract: Since the Chinese economic reform, chemical industry develops quickly in our country and becomes an important part of national economy. However, with the chemical industry to bring convenience, high efficiency, high quality to human life, but also to bring us a human, material, financial, environmental and other issues of injury. Especially in recent years, with large quantity for new products, technologies and equipments are coming forth continuously which brings more flammable, explosive, toxic and harmful problems. And the high temperature and high pressure in the process of chemical production, all these problems need to be solved urgently.
This subject is to the world's top 500 enterprises Evonik Degussa specialty chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. CS factory as the research subject. (Note: CS chemical plant that consumer specialty chemicals, consumer specialty chemicals factory). Conduct field investigations on the plant to conduct further in-depth study. From the factory location, working environment, production process, process equipment and equipment for the production process of hazardous factors identification. Then the extension theory and principal component analysis method were used to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative analysis of CS factory. The extension method is established on the basis of the statistical data analysis, the result is relatively objective and comprehensive. In addition, the main advantages of the principal component analysis method is comprehensive, accurate and objective evaluation of the process and events. Have certain credibility, also can make enterprise security personnel, from the root of the production process in the process of risk control, to ensure the safety and reliability of the production process. Finally, according to the results of the safety assessment of the chemical enterprises in the existence of security risks put forward suggestions and optimization measures.
CS plant process safety analysis and optimization research not only has important guiding significance for enterprise safety production, but also can provide reference for the process safety and environmental impact assessment of chemical enterprises.