


    Discussion on the application of social work idea and method to the service of label of primary school students:a case study of N primary school in Shanghai

    Abstract: Primary school is the beginning of a person 's study life, is to accept the initiation of nine years of compulsory education. And "label" affect the healthy growth of children. The in combination on the basis of previous research, through the interview data of Shanghai n primary school teachers and students. Analysis "label" students, and using the theories and methods of social work to help these children out of the woods, "label". The author believes that the rapid development of modern media, improper family education and children in the growth process will produce different psychological change.Affected the normal development of children, to "label". In this paper, through different types of students formulate corresponding social work intervention methods, such as for the inferiority of the students we can with the theory of social group work, organize the ice breaking game, let master file can be active and people exchange.

    Key words:Label,;primary school students,;social work concept;social work method,;professional service

     目   录

    一、问题的提出:被贴上标签的学生 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究意义和目的 1

    二、文献回顾 2

    三、研究方法 4

    四、学校以及教师的规训:何以标签化?以及如何标签化? 5

    (一)为什么老师要贴标签? 5

    (二)老师怎么样贴标签? 6

    (三)给学生贴标签等同于给家庭贴标签? 6

    五、后果与效应:学生的偏差行为产生 8

    (一)老师错误行为会误导学生 8

    (二)家庭教育方式不当造成学生错误的行为方式 8

    (三)教师的教学态度影响学生 9

    六、社会工作的介入:干预策略与效果 11

    (一)完善学校建设改善学习环境 11

    (二)家校互动运用正确的教育方式 11

    (三)同学互助感觉集体的温暖 12

    七、结论与讨论 14

    (一)结论 14

    (二)建议 14


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