



    毕业论文关键词: 建筑企业  人力资源 安全管理 

    Abstract As China's construction industry in the domestic and foreign market expansion, construction enterprises are facing competition.

    Increasingly intense. First reflected in the consolidated its competitive strength of the competition, talent competition for the construction of the country's development has made tremendous contributions can not be ignored is the "migrant workers," the important role played by social groups. Now, with the progress of development, with the construction business development and growth, management of migrant workers has become one of the prominent issue. Construction industry itself attracts a huge number of manpower, human resource situation and very complex, therefore, how to manage construction enterprise "migrant workers," the huge success of the team is very necessary.

    This paper from the human resources, security management of migrant workers, construction enterprises cost control perspective of migrant workers in the construction enterprise management problems and causes of the problem, through the analysis of the problem, respectively, after human resources. Safety management, cost control angle made more effective and scientific management measures. And provide examples to illustrate this article were developed management methods in practical and scientific.

    Through theoretical analysis and empirical research is proposed by combining migrant workers in China's construction enterprises in the management of new methods for the management of migrant workers in China's construction enterprises to provide a basis and reference.

    Keywords: building; security;management of human; resources;cost control; 

     目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1选题的背景 1

    1.2选题的目的和意义 2

    1.3国内外研究综述 2

    1.4本文的研究内容和方法 4

    第二章 建筑企业农民工管理的主要内容 6

    2.1 建筑企业人力资源的特点 6

    2.1.1涉及面广,对技术人才的专业性要求强 6

    2.1.2管理层次多,人力资源管理的内在矛盾突出 6

    2.1.3人才资源紧缺,人力资源管理与开发更为紧迫 6


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