
    摘 要:随着跨江发展战略的实施以及六合区地铁的规划与建设,南京市六合区旅游产业从暗淡逐步走向繁荣,已具有一定的规模。然而在快速发展的同时,也存在着许多不容忽视的问题。本文对南京市六合区旅游产业的发展状况进行了分析。随着青奥会的临近,六合区旅游业加速发展,人们的旅游消费需求日益增长,在一只求发展的同时,出现了旅游资源开发不足、旅游基础设施相对落后、品牌观念淡薄、营销宣传不到位、从业人员素质不高等一系列问题。为有效解决这些问题,提出了加大产品开发力度、建立健全基础设施、强化旅游品牌意识、加强旅游宣传与营销、加强旅游人才培养等合理性建议,以促进六合区旅游产业的健康快速发展。53889


    Abstract:With the cross river development strategy and the implementation of the Luhe district planning and construction of Metro in Luhe District, Nanjing City,the tourism industry is from the dim gradually towards prosperity, to a certain scale. However, there are also many problems that can not be ignored in the rapid development at the same time. This paper has carried on the analysis to the Nanjing City Luhe district tourism development. With the Youth Olympic Games approaching, Luhe tourism industry to accelerate the development, the consumer demand of people is growing. In pursuing only the development, a series of problems appeared at the same time, such as that the tourism infrastructure is relatively backward and the quality of employees is not high and the weakness of brand awareness , the insufficient development of tourism resources and the lack of effective advocacy. Aiming at these problems, this paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions in order to promote the healthy and rapid development of the tourism industry in Luhe District, such as to increase product development efforts, establish and improve infrastructure, strengthen tourism brand awareness, strengthen tourism promotion and marketing and strengthen tourism personnel training.

    Keywords:development situation, tourist resources, infrastructure, brand awareness, marketing


    1  引言 3

    2  南京市六合区旅游业发展现状 3

    2.1  行业发展概况 3

    2.2  产业总量规模 4

    3  南京市六合区旅游业存在的问题 5

    3.1  旅游资源开发不足 5

    3.2  旅游基础设施相对落后 5

    3.3  品牌观念淡薄 6

    3.4  营销宣传不到位 6

    3.5  从业人员素质不高 7

    4  南京市六合区发展旅游业的对策 7

    4.1  加大产品开发力度 7

    4.2  建立健全基础设施 8

    4.3  强化旅游品牌意识 9

    4.4  加强旅游宣传与营销 9

    4.5  加强旅游人才培养 10

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    1  引言


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